Formerly a motel, all units in this complex are now strata titled. On offer here is Lot 1, which comprises a 2 x 1 Bed duplex.
Average weekly rent per duplex, (2 x 1 bedroom rental).
Approximately $595 per week
Room 1 currently $310 per week, lease expires 24/08/2025
Room 2 currently $300 per week, lease expires 13/09/2025
The units in the duplex are rented separately and this is a managed complex.
Each duplex features bedroom, bathroom, and carport with community share laundry, full kitchen facility and dining.
Rates and Body corporate information and management fee is available upon enquiry.
Note: file photos of individual units have been used to ensure tenant privacy.
Contact exclusive listing agent Tom Hagan on 0438 769 721, or [email protected] to arrange for your inspection.