Phone enquiry code for this property : 2108
1/2 acre in the rural village of Memerambi.
Situated at end of private road backing onto council land
Cleared area with abundant trees, mainly silver wattle.
Secluded county living with the benefits of being only 10 minutes to Kingaroys major shopping outlets including Aldi, Woolworths, Bunnings, BCF, IGA, and the new Kingaroy hospital.
Good fencing on two sides.
Power available (approximately 120 metres away).
Has beautiful sunset views.
Fertile red soil is throughout whole of block.
Mobile phone and internet reception.
Abundant birdlife and kangaroos.
Ten minutes to Gordon brook dam.
Close proximity to the newly opened Kilkivan to Kingaroy rail trail.
Council rates - $610 per 6 months.
Phone enquiry code for this property : 2108