Boasting a commanding north facing elevation and outstanding views towards Petrie Creek this 2-storey well-built brick and timber home is as solid as they come and will warrant your full attention.
Sitting proud in one of Coes Creeks most prized locations, the spacious floorplan, which spans over 2 levels, provides growing or extended families with a range of living options.
The accommodation consists of a total of 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, including a fully self-contained entry level flat. Add to this secured garaging for 2 vehicles and wash facilities, an in-ground pool, private views and you quickly see that 23 Chiltern Court offers a great deal to the savvy home buyer or property investor.
The home has benefitted from tasteful updates over recent years with any further improvements, guaranteed to repay you tenfold, all in a quiet and safe location to raise your family.
For further details kindly contact exclusive list agents Marcia or Steve at PMP today. Marcia on 0439 099 222 or Steve on 0448 884 093.