Located 58 kilometres south west of Mitchell, 13 kilometres south east of Mungallala off the Warrego highway or 155 kilometres south west of Roma.
11,185.24 Hectares or 27,638 Acres
6 Freehold Titles
3 bedroom older home, air conditioned, wood heater, 14m x 7m x 2.5m high 4 car garage, workshop 6m x 10m, power connected, dog pens, poultry runs, mobile phone service covers approximately 80% of the property.
3 Stand Shearing Shed, down tubes, power connected. Mixture of soil types include scattered brigalow, wilga, kurrajong, sandlewood, box, ironbark, bowyakka, womal, mulga (approximately 10,000 acres) and bendee. Pastures include biloela and gayndah buffel small area of American buffel, bluegrass, mulga mitchell and eruocloa. Approximately 4,046 hectares or 10,000 acres of buffel pasture, all the pulled country has been sown to buffel. Approximately 728 hectares or 1,800 acres Blade Ploughed in 2007. All the regrowth country has been recently repulled. 2 x Bores, 13 dams. Bush Paddock Bore, Submersible Solar powered with 15 Solar Panels.
Fenced into thirteen paddocks, fences fair to good condition. Set of portable steel cattle yards with permanent loading ramp and crush. Steel cattle yards and sheep yards attached to the shearing shed at the house.
Carry 700 breeders and progeny to weaning.
"Tareela" has experienced a great season, now carrying an excellent body of pasture, the property has been spelled, along with the freshly pulled country is now ready to go. Opportunity to develop further and to diversify into a mixed grazing enterprise of cattle, sheep and goats.