Frontage to McNamara Park, Mitchell and Siggers Roads, Moray Park is located in Compton, fifteen kilometres from the centre of Mt Gambier. Compton is an area known for its productive volcanic rich soil, high stocking capacity and secure 28-inch rainfall.
The property consists of 139.6 hectares or 345 acres approximately, fenced into twenty-seven paddocks with a central laneway system connecting all paddocks. A dairy building has been adapted to service as a very workable set of steel and wooden cattle yards complete with storage shedding and undercover working areas. Other shedding includes a hay shed and machinery shed with concrete floor. Stock water is supplied to all paddocks via three bores equipped with mill and tank, and additionally backed up by two bores equipped with submersibles.
A water license carries with the land, an allocation of 160,176 kL for Taking Irrigation purpose. An improved irrigation bore exists on the property.
A 3-bedroom Mt Gambier Stone home and a 2-bedroom dwelling are both located on the property with access via McNamara Park Road.
Moray Park, is currently run as a breeding and fattening operation, utilising Murray Grey genetics. It offers the purchaser a multitude of agricultural pursuits. The property consists of terra rosa and grey loam soils combined with the ability of irrigation. Its location makes the property rare given its size and proximity to amenities that a city provides. The farm has been designed with ease of management in mind and offers great potential. It carries the Agent?s highest recommendation.
Inspection by appointment:
Ben Jones 0400 818 525
Property Code: 878