? Located just 146km north west of Albany and 189km south east of Bunbury in the Frankland River agricultural area, which is recognised for it's reliable rainfall, quality soil types and consistent production capacity.
? The current owners of "Connamara" have been farming in the Frankland River region for 68 years.
? Situated on 2 titles and is approx 1072 hectares in total (2648 acres) with 836 hectares (2,065 acres) considered arable.
? Property is a mixed broadacre farming operation comprising mixed cropping and sheep livestock. The property runs a breeding flock at a rate of 15 DSE/Ha.
? Contains a quality mix of soil types which supports the aged wandoo, jarrah, gum and marri strands on the property.
? Topography is undulating with productive ridges and areas of developed open grazing country.
? There are 20 main paddocks and 7 holding paddocks. There are 26 dams and 1 soak. Bolbelup Creek runs through the property.
? The grazing country carries good pastures of clover and ryegrass and supports a livestock flock of approx. 7,000 head.
? The quality soil types and reliable rainfall make the property ideal to expand the broadacre farming operation with a greater cropping exposure.
? Fertiliser has been applied to the oats/barley at a rate of 180kgs/ha and urea has been applied at 200kgs/ha. Pastures have received application of Super/potash at a rate of 150kgs/Ha for the last 40+ years.
? Contains a complete set of operational improvements. 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom House, 4 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom House, Shearing Shed (5 stand) with large yard capacity and covered race area, Machinery Shed, Storage Shed, Fertiliser Shed and 6 Silos.
For further information please contact Joe Galantino 0428 424 351