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Address Withheld, Needilup, WA 6336, 0 Bedrooms, 0 Bathrooms, Lifestyle Property


Address Withheld, Needilup, WA 6336

Lifestyle PropertyListed on Wed Oct 5


"Glendale" is very characteristic of early selected land in those preferred areas first settled around Needilup.

Situated on Nyerilup Road with convenient access to the CBH bin and all facilities of Jerramungup and a vibrant community fabric.

Gently undulating, attractive yate country featuring timbered creek lines and some granite red loams.

All developed with a fibro homestead, sheds and supporting infrastructure for continuous cropping or livestock.

This holding is priced to sell - ideal add on country or a standalone farming enterprise.


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Ref:SCA4955086Last update:2024-03-10 00:32:30