Location: Thurso Rd, Bowen off the Collinsville Rd, 25mins West of Bowen.
Area: 290.46ha or 717.4acres Freehold
Frontage: Fronts Euri Creek and Thurso Road.
Country: Mostly cleared, excellent flats out from Euri Creek.
Soils: Mostly fertile sandy loams to fertile brown soils.
Water: Domestic and stock water equipped on Euri Creek. One stock dam. Semi permanent spring in the internal creek.
Fencing: New fencing on 3 sides, the remaining fence is in good condition on the boundary.
Potential: Great potential to divide this property into more blocks in the future. Property has an excellent damsite within Toms Gully for water storage as well as the creek for future irrigation to suit small crops and mango plantations. Climate capital of Queensland, grow any crop you desire.
Pastures: Strong stylos across this property being Seca Stylo, Amiga Stylo, V8 Stylo, Wynn Cassia, Virano plus other grasses Indian Couch, Urochloa, creeping Blue grass and native grasses.
Carrying Capacity: 100 breeding age adult cattle and progeny through to weaning with ease.
Price: Expressions of Interest
Remarks: This property is on Thurso Road close to the Collinsville Road being the Highway into Bowen Coal Basin. Close to Abbott Point, Airlie Beach, The Whitsundays, Bowen, pristine beaches, fishing, crabbing, prawning, The Great Barrier Reef and boating. Excellent grazing on high quality pastures free of noxious weeds. Inspections by appointment only.
For more information please contact:
Gary Johns | Nutrien Harcourts | Mackay
Office: (07) 4998 6021 | Mobile: 0427 241 250