In the small town of Zeehan, an exceptional opportunity awaits those seeking a blank canvas to bring their dream home to life (STCA). This flat residential block of land, offering simplicity and versatility, beckons you to join this close-knit community and create a haven of your own.
- Land Size: Approximately 469m2
- Zoning: General Residential
- Town Water & Sewer & Power Available for Connection
- Council Rates: Approximately $900p.a
- Property ID: 9740809
- Title Reference: 236645/7
Please call Rodney to discuss further, or to organise an inspection.
Disclaimer: at Harcourts West Coast we make every attempt to ensure that all information provided about the property is accurate and honest with information provided from our Vendor, legal representation and other information sources. Therefore we cannot accept any responsibility for its true accuracy and advise all of our clients to seek independent advice prior to proceeding with any property transaction..