'Woodleigh' features a productive selection of all 'medium plus', mostly 'Salmon' and 'Mallee' wheatbelt soils, that are undulating and rise to the east and south with 1060 hectares indicated as arable by our sellers.
The three bedroom, 2 bathroom and office, family home is located just 5 km by sealed road from Nungarin and farm improvements include:
? general purpose sheds,
? grain silos,
? liquid fertiliser storage
? spray boom fill tank.
The property is connected to Scheme water and it is fenced for livestock including sections of new fence.
There are nine, early selection, Avon locations and three road frontages that allows for easy access for trucks and large machinery.
Tender close on Thursday March 6th 2025. For tender details or to arrange an inspection please contact Rex Luers 0417 092 567