This 4 bedroom home is located in the Riverstone Estate. Some features of the estate include, walking tracks, playground's/parks, school bus route to local schools and a daycare centre. Boyne/Tannum is approximately a 10 minute drive away, Gladstone is approximately 20 minutes away.
- 4 bedrooms all with built in wardrobes, ceiling fans and air conditioning
- main bedroom with ensuite
- separate tiled living with ceiling fan at the front of the home
- open plan kitchen, dining and living with ceiling fans and air condition to the rear of the home
- Modern white kitchen with dishwasher and island bench
- main bathroom with shower and bath
- internal laundry
- double remote lock up garage with internal access
- security screens throughout home
- patio overlooking the flat fully fenced back yard
- property is water compliant - tenant to pay water usage
Please note:
- All proposed occupiers over 18 years of age are to submit an application.
- Applications submitted which are incomplete, missing information or documentation will not be processed until all required information is supplied to our office. If the requested information is not supplied within 24 hours, the application will be declined.