Myth #1 - Renting is Cheaper than Buying:
Its never a better time to rent, its always a better time to buy.
Even if it feels cheaper to rent, at least when you buy you are paying off a mortgage,
& locking in the price & equity for your future.
What you dont want long-term is to always be connected to rental market forces.
Myth #2 - You Need 20% Deposit:
There are ways, so you may even get by with as little as 5%
- Ask for a copy of the News Corp article & for a referral to a good broker.
AVAILABLE at Morayfield Suite 1st Home Buyers or Investment Starter, etc [See above image]
Affordable with 4-bedrooms 2-bathrooms
Kitchen, living, dining, & garage
Small cluster of 4-terrace-homes no body corporate
This one only $594,000 with rent at ca$580
Limited other sub $600k homes still available in a couple areas.
To get started on the property-ownership ladder Call NOW:
Call Colin: 0411-182-000 for your free Information Pack
OR: email: [email protected] with best time & number
for a quick 5-minute information call.