The choice is YOURS!! A real family affair! It's here just waiting for YOU! Making the right moves is all YOU need. YOU have a CHOICE!
A marvellous feeling of freedom! Welcome to 19 Gentle Annie Road Apple Tree Creek. This beautiful brick home with colour-bond roof sits on undulating 3 acres. Borders on to Apple Tree Creek with 81.2m frontage. 30 minutes to Bundaberg and 5 mins to Heritage town of Childers.
Childers has Woolworths, IGA, High School/Primary and Private Primary School. Hospital and Doctor Surgeries. Coffee shops and Pubs everything you need.
School bus to the front gate. There is also bin and mail service at your gate.
~ 3 Bedrooms + ensuite in master bedroom with guess bathroom + bathtub
~ walk-in robe in master with built-ins in 2 and 3rd bedrooms
~ 2 toilets
~ carpet in bedrooms with tiles throughout
~ kitchen/dining/living combo
~ gas stove with electric oven + gas hot water system
~ aircon in living area and master with ceiling fans through out
~ laundry with linen cupboard
~ lots of storage space
~ "L" shape veranda overlooking the peace and tranquillity of bush life/wildlife
~ office detaches from house
~ carport + 2 bay garage in the shed
~ 4m x 9m x 3.2m high 1 bedroom granny flat with kitchen, shower and toilet
~ here we are BOYS to sweeten the deal a 16m x 9m shed with power and concrete floor
~ 4 x 5000-gal rainwater tanks, 2 at the house + 2 at the shed/granny flat
~ dam, variety of fruits trees, established gardens
~ selectively cleared?. what remains is blue gum, iron bark, stringy and blood wood
~ fully dog proof fencing + separate paddock for a horse or two, goats or alpacas
~ glorified 3 bay chook pens
~ outdoor entertaining area with woodfire pizza oven
This property lends itself to a home base business whether it would be a mechanic/hair dressing and or Real Estate. Current owner started a Real Estate business from home then branched out! The possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild!!!
Evening walks often reveal nature' wonders! Or just sit back, absorb the sounds of the bush and the wildlife! Call Sutton Nationwide Realty Childers for your very own private inspection. Say YES and I'm yours!!!