Developed by Japan's renowned Sekisui House, the YUKON is the newest addition to the vibrant Wentworth Point Precinct in Sydney. Situated in a serene waterfront location surrounded by nature wetlands and parklands, this spacious corner apartment offers stunning and permanent water views.
Each apartment in the YUKON features rich textures and natural tones, creating a comfortable and tranquil living environment. Highlights include:
- Generous open-plan layouts with oak timber flooring
- Polished stone benchtops and mirrored splashbacks in the modern kitchen
- High-end Blanco, Miele, and Omega appliances
- Internal laundry with quality Omega dryers
- Landscaped internal gardens with timber boardwalks and outdoor furniture
- Foreshore park and beautiful outdoor pool on-site
- Convenient access to shopping, facilities, and community activities
- Seamless connectivity to wider Sydney via main roads, ferries, and buses
- National Broadband Network ready
This is a unique opportunity to enjoy an enviable waterside lifestyle, surrounded by an expansive network of parks, nature reserves, and superb recreational amenities. Don't miss out on this corner apartment with its impressive permanent water views.