Furnished apartments include all utilities. 100's to choose, Book online.
Not within your budget?
We have 100's of 1,2,3 bedroom fully furnished apartments from as little as $600 per week. Check www.corporatekeys.com.au for details.
Weekly Rental:
$1100.00 per week - 28 nights to 3 months
$1100.00 per week - 6 months plus
The quoted weekly rental rate includes:
* A fully furnished apartment including home-wares and linen;
* Utility connections and all ongoing usage charges;
* A Customer Care telephone number to ensure rapid response to service requests that may arise during the stay.
Car parking is available subject to availability at the time of booking. Charges apply.
For more information please visit our website for more details.
Minimum stay applies.
No, we didn't use a helicopter, our photos show the actual view from this 44th floor apartment. Facing east and north you can see from the open plan living area and the balcony, well, just about everything from the Yarra river below to the Dandenong ranges on the horizon over 40 km away. This luxury apartment is tastefully furnished in chocolate timber and leather and includes a full marble-bench kitchen with European appliances, one bedroom and separate bathroom.