A clever combination of formal and informal living areas together with an unprecedented array of outbuildings set this property apart from all others.
Ideally suited to those who like to entertain and have a requirement for multi-vehicle accommodation and the ability to work from home. All tradespeople should take note, features include: solid brick construction; terra cotta roof and double-glazed windows.
? 3 bedrooms and study (ensuite with jacuzzi spa)
? Formal lounge and dining with open fireplace
? Solid timber kitchen adjoining meals area.
? Rumpus/Billiard room (6 x 13 m approx) with fully equipped bar.
? Ducted heating, ducted cooling, integrated alarm system with cameras.
? High clearance garage (6.1 x 12.6 approx), separate workshop (6.2 x 7.6 approx)
? Entertaining retreat with smoker, both wood/gas BBQ and commercial extraction system.
? Electronically secured gating.
All of the above and more situated on this huge allotment of approx. 1015m?.
Conveniently located to schools, shopping and train station with all sporting/recreational facilities and beach close at hand.