Nestled in the picturesque area of Cororooke lies a promising piece of land, boasting an array of features perfect for various endeavours. This land, characterised by its volcanic soil, offers a fertile foundation for diverse uses. Its undulated terrain ensures suitability for all seasons, presenting an ideal canvas for agricultural pursuits
Good fencing, cattle yards, crush and ramp are some of the great attributes of the property. Furthermore, the land's proximity to power and town water at the boundary not only enhances its practicality but also augments its potential of building permit subject to council approval.
We have approx 75 acres titled ready to purchase, with option to add an additional approx 35 acres of adjoining land to the south but subject to realignment of existing titles.
*All information about the property has been provided to Richardson Real Estate by third parties. Richardson Real Estate has not verified the information and does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. Parties should make and rely on their own enquiries in relation to this property.