To apply for this property, please register for the viewing through A code for the online application will be available at the home open - Property must be viewed prior to application being submitted. For more information please email [email protected] or call 08 9525 0505.
If open plan, low maintenance living is your preferred lifestyle... this is the home for you! Located in a prime location this property is close to schools, amenities, shops and major roads allowing you to live a convenient lifestyle. The property features a spacious master bedroom, study and generous sized bedrooms. The large open plan, kitchen, dining and living flows through to a spacious backyard.
Home Features:
? 4 bedrooms with built in robes
? 2 bathrooms
? Study
? Open plan kitchen, living and dining
? Roller shutters throughout
? 900ml cooking appliances
? Ducted reverse cycle air conditioner
? Double lock up garage
? Alfresco
? Low maintenance backyard
Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation of this advertisement, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. To the best of our knowledge the information listed is true and accurate however may be subject to change without warning at any time and this is often out of our control. Prospective tenants & purchasers should make their own enquiries to satisfy themselves on all pertinent matters. Details herein do not constitute any representation by the Owner or the agent and are expressly excluded from any contract.