Terms & Conditions 使用条款

1. ⽹站使⽤用条款 User Terms


The Hougarden platform, accessed through our website or mobile application or any other online medium (“Platform”), is brought to you by Hougarden Limited (together with its related companies “we”, “our” and “us”). These terms and conditions set out below (“Terms”) apply to your use of the Platform and the services we provide. Additionally, please be aware of our Privacy Policy and our terms for advertisers. By using the Platform (including by setting up an account), you confirm that you, the Platform user (‘you’, ‘your’), agree to these Terms, and to any amendments we make from time to time. Please read them carefully. If you do not accept the Terms or our Privacy Policy, you must immediately stop using the Platform and services.

1.1 著作权说明 Copyright



This website and its content are copyright of Hougarden. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:

  • You may print or download to local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only
  • You may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material.

You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or another form of the electronic retrieval system.

1.2 商标 Trademarks and Logo Restrictions


You will not upload, post or otherwise make available on the Hougarden any material protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights. Hougarden does not have any express burden or responsibility to provide you with indications, markings or anything else that may aid you in determining whether the material in question is copyrighted or trademarked. You will be solely liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, proprietary rights or any other harm resulting from such a submission. Other restrictions and forbidden activities you should be aware of are listed in section 1.3, below.

1.3 您的传送 Your Obligations


To upload, send or receive any material, including User Content, which is unlawful, harmful, tortious, threatening, abusive, harassing, hateful, racist, sexism, infringing, pornographic, violent, misleading, grossly offensive, of an indecent, obscene or menacing character, blasphemous or defamatory or of a libelous nature of any person or entity, in contempt of court or in breach of confidence, or which infringes the rights of another person or entity, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, rights of personality, publicity or privacy or any other third party rights.

1.4 访问条件 Access Conditions


Hougarden has the right to update this vision at any time to modify these access conditions. By using these terms and conditions, you agree to be bound by any such modifications, so you should periodically refer to this page to determine the latest vision of the access conditions you are bound to.

2. 免责声明 Disclaimer and Disclosure


  • 作为互联网信息服务提供者及第三方平台,后花园将有资质的房屋中介、汽车经销商、个人买家和卖家等提供的信息汇集于后花园网站(含网站、客户端),网站中所展示商品/服务的标题、价格、详情等信息内容系与后花园合作的房产中介、汽车经销商、个人买家和卖家等合作方发布,其真实性、准确性和合法性均由房产中介、汽车经销商、个人买家和卖家等合作方自行负责。后花园提醒用户购买商品/服务前注意谨慎核实。如用户对商户/服务的标题、价格、详情等任何信息有任何疑问,请在购买前与对方沟通确认。
  • 后花园提醒发布方,不能发布非法销售的枪支、弹药、爆炸物、走私车、毒品、迷魂药、淫秽物品、假钞假发票或者犯罪所得赃物的信息。
  • 后花园所发布的有关商品的功能、版本和使用方法等信息,为卖方自由提供,其真实性、准确性和合法性由信息发布人负责,后花园不提供任何保证,也不承担任何法律责任。如用户要了解具体情况,请向该商品的生产商、经销商或者原始信息发布者咨询。
  • 发布的有关商品的价格、参数、售后政策等信息,为卖方自由提供,其真实性、准确性和合法性由信息发布人负责。后花园不提供任何保证,也不承担任何法律责任。仅供参考。商品的具体价格,以现实流通中的价格为准。售后政策与参数以生产厂商及经销商公布为准。
  • 若用户在浏览本网站某些商品的信息之后,产生想要使用或购买该商品的想法的,请在使用/购买之前向商品生产商、经销商和原始信息发布者资讯。本网站不对该产品的任何使用和购买后果负责。
  • 若用户发现信息有误,可向本网站建议修改和删除。本网站将及时对错误信息进行修改或删除。因修改后的信息未作出进一步核实,也进攻参考。
  • 您了解并同意去后花园上来自于第三方网站的链接,系由后花园根据您的搜索需求而提供,您可能从该第三方网页上获得资讯及享用服务。
  • 后花园无法控制交易所涉及的产品和服务的质量、安全或合法性,产品或服务信息的真实性或准确性,以及交易各方履行其在交易协议中各项义务的能力。您应自行谨慎判断确定相关服务及/或信息的真实性、合法性和有效性,并自行承担因此产生的责任与损失,除非后花园另有明确规定。若您在预订和使用相关产品和服务过程发生消费纠纷或合法权益受到损害时,您可以要求去后花园提供该产品服务提供商的联系方式。后花园将尽力帮助您获取真实可靠的信息,同时也需要您及时反馈在使用中遇到的问题并对欺诈行为进行举报,以提高后花园的网络信息服务质量。
  • 您了解并理解,任何经由本服务发布的图形、图片或个人言论等,均表示了内容提供者、服务使用者个人的观点、观念和思想,并不代表后花园的观点或主张,对于在享受网络服务的过程中可能会接触到令人不快、不适当等内容的,由您个人自行加以判断并承担所有风险,后花园不承担任何责任。
  • 请您及时保存或备份您的文字、图片等其他信息,您完全理解并同意,由于后花园储存设备有限、设备故障、设备更新或设备受到攻击等设备原因或人为原因,您使用网路服务储存的信息或数据等全部或部分发生删除、毁损、灭失或无法恢复的风险,均由您自行承担,后花园不承担任何责任。
  • 不论在何种情况下,后花园均不对由于信息网络正常的设备维护,信息网络连接故障,电脑、通讯或其他系统的故障,黑客,电脑病毒,电力故障,罢工,劳动争议,暴乱,起义,骚乱,生产力或生产资料不足,火灾,洪水,风暴,爆炸,战争,政府行为,司法行政机关的命令,第三方原因等其他后花园不能预测或控制的行为而造成的不能服务或延迟服务承担责任,但将尽力减少因此而给您造成的损失和影响。
  • 任何单位或个人认为通过后花园的内容可能涉嫌侵犯其合法权益,应该及时向后花园或服务网站书面反馈,并提供身份证明、权属证明及详细侵权情况证明,后花园在收到上述法律文件后,将会尽快移除被控侵权内容。
  • 本免责声明,由后花园解释。本网站的一切内容只为更好的服务受众,本网站不保证所有的信息、文本、图形、链接及其他项目的绝对准确性和完整性,内容仅供访问者使用参照,后花园对因使用本网站内容而产生的相关后果不承担任何商业和法律责任。

Your privacy is important to us. We want you to understand the terms and conditions surrounding the capture and use of any information we gather. To that end, this privacy policy sets out what information we gather, how we may use it, and how to correct or change it.

  • As a third-party internet information service provider platform (Website, App and Wechat), Hougarden has been developed to help you make your property, motors and product decisions easier. However, in presenting you with available properties from Real Estate Agents, car dealers and other service providers and listers (together, “Agents”); available motors service from car dealers and other service producers and listers; available product details/prices from sellers and listers, Hougarden is not recommending that you choose a particular property or Agent, car dealers, personal seller or other listers– it is a platform to facilitate engagement between independent third parties.
  • Hougarden reminds the Providers that it is illegal to publish illegally sold guns, ammunition, explosives, smuggled cars, drugs, ecstasy, obscene articles, fake invoices, or information that knows that it is a crime on the Platform.
  • Although we aim to ensure the property/motors/product listings, advertisements and information contained within our Platform is accurate and up to date, we make no warranty as to the accuracy, legality, completeness, or usefulness of the information, nor do we assume any legal liability or responsibility for this. This includes the truth about ownership of any property listed.
  • Hougarden makes no representations about and accepts no responsibility for, the suitability or quality of any property, product or service that is advertised on this Platform. If you have a dispute about any property, product or service that you take up after using Hougarden, then you will need to resolve that dispute with the Agent, car dealer or any service provider directly.
  • Hougarden is not the agent of any Agent/car dealer or other service providers about any property/motors/products or the provision of any product or service, nor the agent of either party to any transaction that is between you and any Agent. Hougarden provides a platform only.
  • Please save or backup your text, pictures and other information in time. You fully understand and agree that you use the Internet service due to limited equipment storage, equipment failure, equipment update or equipment attack, etc. The risk of deletion, destruction, loss or irreparable loss of all or part of the stored information or data is at your own responsibility and Hougarden does not assume any responsibility.
  • No matter what the circumstances, the Hougarden does not maintain the normal equipment due to the information network, the failure of the internet connection, the computer, communication or other system failure, hacking, computer virus, power failure, strike, labor dispute, riot, uprising , riots, lack of productivity or means of production, fires, floods, storms, explosions, wars, government actions, orders of the judiciary, third-party reasons, etc. Other services that cannot be predicted or controlled by the Hougarden cannot serve or delay service commitment responsibility.

3. 信用卡、支付或银行转账相关声明 Credit Card, Payment or Bank Transfer

  • 在适用且可用的情况下,某些商品/物品/产品/汽车经销商/中介/个人等提供方(“提供方”),(根据提供方的付款政策要求)允许客人在预订过程中,通过安全的在线支付方式(前提是客人的银行提供并支持),向提供方支付(全额或部分)相关订单费用。对于一些特定的产品和服务,后花园为提供方(通过第三方支付处理机构)提供相关产品或服务的代收款服务(后花园不会作为商户提供此类特定产品或服务)。通过此类代收款服务,客人所支付的款项将通过第三方支付处理机构,由客人的信用卡/借记卡或银行账户,向提供方的银行账户安全转账。任何我们代为收取并入账到提供方的款项,均用于支付您所预订的相关产品或服务的全部或部分款项,预订价格即为您在最终结算中所应支付的全部或部分价格。
  • 针对某些(不予退款)价格或特别优惠,请注意提供方可能要求提前(通过电汇(如有)或信用卡)付款,因而在预订时可能对您的信用卡进行预授权或者是直接收费(有时无退款选项)。因此,请您在预订订单前,详细查阅所选产品或服务的(预订)详细内容。您无法要求后花园为提供方任何(授权的、(声称)未授权的或错误的)收费承担任何责任,也无法就提供方向您的信用卡进行的任何有效的或授权的收费(包括预付费、未如期付款及预订取消费用)(重新)索要任何金额。
  • 在出现伪造信用卡或信用卡被第三方盗用的情况时,大部分银行以及信用卡公司将会承担风险并负责补救由此带来的所有损失,但是有时会收取一定的手续费,手续费用由用户自行承担。
  • 无论提供方是已否向您收取费用,或我们代为收取的价格或费用,您同意并接受提供方(通过第三方支付处理机构)全权负责汇兑、代扣、汇款和支付的相关税务机构规定的税费。后花园不负责汇兑、收取、代扣或支付相关税负机构规定的费用。后花园不会以其平台上的任何产品或服务的商户记录形式进行操作。
  • If applicable and available, certain goods/products/car dealers/properties/agency/personal seller etc. Providers (“Providers”) offer the opportunity for Reservations to be paid (wholly or partly and as required under the payment policy of the Provider) to the Provider during the Reservation process by means of secure online payment (all to the extent offered and supported by your bank). For certain products and services, Hougarden facilitates (through third party payment processors) the payment of the relevant product or service (i.e. the payment facilitation service) for and on behalf of the Provider (Hougarden never acts nor operates as the merchant of record). Payment is safely processed from your credit/debit card or bank account to the bank account of the Provider through a third-party payment processor. Any payment facilitated by us for and on behalf of, and transferred to the Provider will in each case constitute a payment of (part of) the booking price by you of the relevant product or service in final settlement of such (partial) due and payable price.
  • For certain (nonrefundable) rates or special offers, please note that Providers may require that payment is made upfront by wire transfer (if available) or by credit card, and therefore your credit card may be preauthorized or charged (sometimes without any option for refund) upon making the Reservation, you have the responsibility to pay the charged fee.
  • In the event of credit card fraud or unauthorized use of your credit card by third parties, most banks and credit card companies bear the risk and cover all the charges resulting from such fraud or misuse, which may sometimes be subject to a deductible. In order to indemnify you, please make sure that you report this fraud to your credit card provider (in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures) and contact us immediately. Please provide us with evidence of the charged deductible (e.g. policy of the credit card company). This indemnification only applies to credit card reservations made using Hougarden's secure server and the unauthorized use of your credit card resulted through our default or negligence and through no fault of your own while using the secure server.

4. 隐私政策 Privacy Policy

4.1 承诺 Disclosure of Information

我们致力于保护您在使用我们网站时所提供的私隐、私人资料以及个人的资料( 统称 "个人资料" ), 使我们在收集、使用、储存和传送个人资料方面符合 (与个人资料私隐有关的法律法规) 及消费者保护方面的最高标准。为确保您对我们在处理个人资料上有充分信心, 您切要详细阅读及理解隐私政策的条文。特别是您一旦使用我们的网站, 将被视为接受、同意、承诺和确认:

  • 您在自愿下连同所需的同意向我们披露个人资料;
  • 您会遵守本隐私政策的全部条款和限制;
  • 您在我们的网站上作登记、资料会被收集;
  • 您同意日后我们对隐私政策的任何修改;
  • 您同意我们的分公司、附属公司、雇员、就您可能会感兴趣的产品和服务与您联络( 除非您已经表示不想收到该等讯息 )。

We may disclose:

  • All information that we gather, including your personal information, to our related companies, to real estate agents, tenancy managers, car dealers and other service providers or owners that use our Platform;
  • Aggregated tracking information and other information that does not personally identify you to third parties such as our partners, agents, and advertisers;
  • Your personal information requires third parties when we believe in good faith that we are required to do so by law;
  • Your personal information requires to other third parties when we have your prior authorization, which we will usually obtain at the time of collecting the information from you.

4.2 被收集的个人资料的种类 Collection

经您同意, 我们会收集、管理和监控个人资料。为了向您提供我们的各项服务, 您需要供給那些我们认为为达到你的指示和进一步改善我们的服务所需的个人资料和不具名的资料, 包括但不限于:

  • 个人资料


  • 不具名的资料



当您使用我们的网站时, 能辨认及确认您的身份;







遵守法律、政府和监管机关的规定, 包括但不限于对个人资料披露及通知的规定;;


  • 位置信息


  • Cookies

当您到访我们网站时, 我们通过Cookies使用Google Stats去记录我们的业绩以及核对在线广告的效果。Cookie是发送到您的浏览器上并在您的电脑硬盘驱动器上存储的小量数据。只有当您使用您的电脑进入我们网站时, Cookie才能够被发送到您的电脑硬盘上。Cookies常用于记录访问者浏览我们网站上的各个项目时的习惯以及偏好。Cookies所搜集的资料是不记名的集体统计数据, 不载有个人资料。Cookies不能用于取得您的硬盘上的数据、您的电邮地址、及您的私人数据。当您重新上访我们网站时, 可以省却您再次登记的步骤。大多数浏览器都预设为可以接受Cookies。您可以选择将您的浏览器设定为不接受Cookies, 或如果Cookies一被装上就通知您。不过, 若设定为禁止Cookies, 您或许便不能启动或使用我们网站的某些功能。

若您不禁止或除去cookies, 每次您使用同一台电脑进入我们的网站时, 我们的网络服务器会通知我们你上访了我们网站, 继而我们会辨认出您及接达您的登记数据及付款数据, 搜集有关使用量、巿场研究、行迹进程及参与推广活动的资料等。

您可以改动您用来进入我们网站的电脑的浏览器上的设定来决定是否接受cookie。若您愿意, 您可以改变浏览器上的设定。若您将您的偏好放在浏览器上, 让您可以接受所有的cookies, 收到cookies发出的通知, 甚至可以拒绝一切cookies。然而, 若在您的浏览器选用不要cookies或拒绝所有cookies, 您有可能不能使用或启动我们网站的某些功能, 或有可能需要重新登入您的资料。

  • 保存个人资料及不具名资料

您提供给我们的个人资料及不具名资料, 只保留到搜集的目的已达到的时候, 除非应适用的法律法规之规定而继续保留。

  • 个人资料的拥有权及披露

在我们网站上所搜集的一切资料都由我们所拥有, 不会出租或出售给任何无关的第三方。我们实施妥适的实物、电子、管理及技术方面的措施来保护和保障您的个人资料的安全。我们尽力确保通过我们网站所搜集的任何个人资料皆免于任何与我们无关的第三者的滋扰。我们采取的安全措施包括但不限于:

o 实物措施: 存有您个人资料的记录会被存放在有锁的地方。

o 电子措施: 存有您个人资料的电脑数据会被存放在受严格登入限制的电脑系统和存储媒体上。

o 管理措施: 只有经我们授权的职员才能接触到您的个人资料, 这些职员需要遵守我们个人资料保密的内部守则。

o 技术措施: 可能采用如Secure Socket Layer Encryption这种加密技术来输送您的个人资料。

o 其它措施: 我们的网络服务器受到"防火墙"的保护。

若您知悉我们的网站上有任何安全方面的漏洞, 请不要迟疑去联絡我们, 使我们可以尽快采取妥适的行动。尽管实施了上述技术和保安的措施, 我们不能保证资料在互联网上的输送绝对安全, 因此我们不能绝对保证您通过我们网站提供给我们的个人资料在一切时候都是安全的。对任何因未经授权而接触您个人资料所发生的事件我们一槪不承担责任, 于这方面产生或导致的任何损失或损害, 我们也不负责赔偿。

The Hougarden platform, accessed through our website or mobile application or any other online media (“Platform”) is subject to our various terms and conditions of use and this privacy policy. Hougarden or our related companies ("we" or "us") may gather the following types of information about users including you ("you"):

  • Personal information

When setting up your Hougarden account you will be asked several personal questions (name, address, phone number, email etc.). Failure to provide this necessary personal information may result in certain services not being available to you. You must ensure that all information you provide is correct and up to date. If you change your details, you agree to ensure your details are updated. Failure to provide other necessary personal information when requested may result in certain products or services not being available to you.

  • Non-personal information

We may collect non-personal information about the computer, mobile telephone, smartphone or another device that you use to access our products or services. The purposes when we collect and use non-personal information are as follow:

oNonpersonal information provided by you when you interact with us, such as when you use or purchase our products or services when you subscribe or register to use our products or services, and when you provide us with your feedback or respond to surveys you are asked to participate in;

oNonpersonal information provided by you when you use the Platform, or post/upload it to your profile, such as when you fill out your rental resume or an application form or submit a message or application;

o Aggregated information generated by our systems or third party systems we use, which track traffic to and from our Platform but does not relate to you personally;

o Other information that does not personally identify you.

  • Location information

Where you allow our mobile services and products to deliver content based on your location (by enabling this feature on your mobile device) we may collect location data. This information is used only for the automated delivery of relevant content and advertising to you and for no other purpose. Refers to your location information collected by when you turn on device location and use our location-based services, collect your location information via GPS or Wi-Fi, or provide information about your area included in your account information, shared information that you or someone else uploaded that shows your current or previous location. If this information is sensitive and you can stop collecting your location information by turning off targeting, but you won’t be able to use some of the location-related services we offer in the meantime.

  • Cookies

We may use a cookie file containing information that can identify the computer you are working from. The cookie file is anonymous as it only gives us details of your IP address, PC platform (Windows, Linux or OS X), Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or other, plus the version of Browser) and domain (whether you are accessing the Platform from NZ or elsewhere). We may use the information generated by "cookies" to:

oTrack traffic patterns to and from our Platform such as the pages you visit, the time you spend on each page, the date and time of your visit, and referring pages (pages you came from or go to);

o Ensure advertising is being shown to the most appropriate person and limit the frequency of display for certain ad formats; and

o Enable you to use certain services as a member without having to log on each time and to visit member-restricted areas of the Platform.

o We may allow third-party companies (and some of our advertisers use third party companies) to serve ads and/or collect certain information when you and other Internet users visit our Platform. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) and precise geolocation and user device identification during your visits to this Platform and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or other technology to collect this information. Third-party companies may also use your non-personal information collected in this way in aggregated form or for statistical purposes.

oYou can choose to refuse cookies by turning them off in your browser and/or deleting them from your hard drive. You do not need to have cookies turned on to use our Platform, but you may need them for customizable areas of sites we may develop in the future. If your cookies are turned off, we will not have any control over the frequency of display of certain ad formats. This could affect your reading experience.

4.3 信息转让 Information Transformations


  • 事先获得您的明确同意或授权;
  • 根据适用的法律法规、法律程序的要求、强制性的行政或司法要求;
  • 在涉及合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本隐私政策的约束,否则,我们将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except in the following cases:

o Obtain your explicit consent or authorization in advance;

o Following applicable laws and regulations, legal procedures, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements;

o When it comes to mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, if it involves the transfer of personal information, we will require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Otherwise, we will require the company and organization will renew your consent for authorization.

4.4 公开披露 Public Disclosure


  • 在公布中奖活动名单时展示中奖者手机号或后花园登录名;
  • 根据您的需求,在您同意的披露方式下披露您所指定的个人信息;
  • 根据法律、法规的要求、强制性的行政执法或司法要求所必须披露您个人信息的情况下,我们可能会依据所要求的个人信息类型和披露方式公开披露您的个人信息。

We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following situations:

o Display the winner's mobile phone number or Hougarden login name when the list of winners is announced;

o Disclose your personal information as specified by your consent disclosure method;

o If your personal information must be disclosed by the requirements of laws and regulations, mandatory administrative enforcement or judicial requirements, we may publicly disclose your personal information following the type of personal information required and the method of disclosure.

4.5 未成年人 Minors


We will not collect information about any person whom we know to be under the age of 18. Always obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardian before using Hougarden services.

4.6 接达及更正个人资料 Holding, Correcting and Updating Personal Data


  • 查询我们是否持有您的任何个人资料;
  • 接达我们所持有的您的个人资料;
  • 要求我们更正任何不正确的个人资料;
  • 不时地征询有关我们所持有的个人资料的性质, 政策和执行方法。

然而在法律允许的极端有限的情况下, 我们可以不允许您接达您的个人资料, 例如:

  • 如您接达及得到您个人资料可能会对您有危险;
  • 当您的个人资料可能会影响一项正在进行的调查;
  • 当您的个人资料涉及到法庭程序, 并且可能受到发现的限制。
  • 当您的个人资料涉及一项商业上敏感的决策过程;
  • 当另外一個人的个人资料也包含在同一份记录中。

You have the right to:

o Check if we hold any of your personal information;

o Access to your data held by us;

o Require us to correct any incorrect personal data;

o From time to time, ask about the nature, policies and implementation methods of the personal data we hold.

However, in the extremely limited circumstances allowed by law, we may not allow you to access your data, such as:

o It may be dangerous for you to access and receive your data;

o When your data may affect an ongoing investigation;

o When your data relates to court proceedings and may be subject to discovery restrictions.

o When your data involves a business-sensitive decision-making process;

o When another person's profile is also included in the same record.

4.7 安全保管您的密码 Password

除了我们致力确保您的个人资料存放和处理的安全外, 您不应向任何人披露您的登录密码或帐户资料, 以保护您的个人资料。每当您登录我们网站时, 尤其是当您使用他人的电脑或者是公共的互联网终端机时, 请记着操作完毕后一定要点击退出。您的努力和协助对于我们保护您的个人资料绝对有帮助。

In addition to our efforts to ensure the security of your personal data storage and processing, you should not disclose your login password or account information to anyone to protect your data. Whenever you log in to our website, especially when you use someone else's computer or a public internet terminal, please remember to click and quit after the operation. Your efforts and assistance are helpful for us to protect your personal information.

4.8 隐私政策的修改 Changes to Policy


Hougarden will revise the Privacy Policy as necessary. Please understand that We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by notifying Platform users of the existence of a revised privacy policy. Hougarden will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. For major changes, the Hougarden will also provide more noticeable announcement (including for certain services, we will send a notification via email stating the specific changes to the Privacy Policy). Please check back frequently to read this latest policy.

4.9 联系我们 Contact Us

若您对我们的隐私政策有任何问题或忧虑, 欢迎随时联系我们。您可以写邮件到以下地址:[email protected]。一般情况下,我们将在核验您的身份无误后的三十日内回复。

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us. You can email to the following address: [email protected]. In general, we will respond within 30 days after verifying your identity.