Don?t miss out - Auction: Friday, 21st June, Register from 12:30pm at The Lake Neighbourhood Centre, 69 Spearmint Street, The Ponds.
Fourth and final opportunity to acquire your choice of the remaining ten (10) vacant blocks of land ranging from 348sqm to 610sqm. Take advantage of this land value opportunity to invest or build your dream home. All lots are to be sold individually at auction. Strict instructions from the mortgagee to sell. Enquire now!
18 Rubicon Street, Tallawong (349m2*)
12 Rubicon Street, Tallawong (348m2*)
7 Marwan Avenue, Tallawong (348m2*)
11 Marwan Avenue, Tallawong (348m2*)
58 Quill Street, Riverstone (400m2*)
44 Quill Street Riverstone (364m2*)
34 Bayswater Avenue, Tallawong (610m2*)
31 Gordon Road, Tallawong (450m2*)
29 Marwan Avenue, Tallawong (350m2*)
31 Marwan Avenue, Tallawong (350m2*)
*All sizes approximate
-Genuine sale
-10% deposit on exchange
-35-day settlement
-Convenience of Tallawong Metro Station & Riverstone Train Station nearby
-School catchment of Tallawong Public School, Riverstone High School and Wyndham College
-5 Minutes* to local Shops & Parks
-10 Minutes* drive to Rouse Hill Town Centre & Marsden Park Business Hub