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147 Old Toowoomba Road, Placid Hills, QLD 4343, 2 chambres, 1 salles de bain, Lifestyle Section

prix de vente: $556,000

vendu le 2024 02 29

147 Old Toowoomba Road, Placid Hills, QLD 4343


At this five acre property located in an established area of the Lockyer Valley. With a neat & tidy brick home and large shed you can live comfortably while putting all of your personal touches on this property.

Two bedroom brick home set off the street is cosy and comfortable and offers built in bedrooms, air conditioning and a wood stove. Near new gas hot water system.

The large shed has a front skillion and rear storage area. A fenced dam at the back of the block is great for any livestock you may have.

Perfect property for those looking for the elusive five acres.

évaluation par un tiers

développement immobilier

zonage de planification urbaine
zone inondable
incendie de forêt
électricité haute tension
station électrique haute tension

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dernière mise à jour:2024-03-01 01:24:32