Situated in Hastings Bay, Southern Tasmania the marine farm lease is 41ha of pristine water. In addition to a 2.9ha of wooded Forest Lease and a crown land foreshore base.
The marine farm lease is partially developed with both sub tidal and inter tidal infrastructure for pacific oyster production. This lease, traditionally used for pacific oyster production also allows for the growing of a range of marine products including but not limited to blue mussels and seaweed.
Current access to the Marine Lease land base is through the owner's freehold property and they are offering access rights to the marine farm land base with the sale. Or alternatively, the Forestry Lease 1444, can be used to create independent access.
Situated on the land base is two historic huts a grading and tool shed with a large concrete wharf and boat ramp.
Plant and equipment offered includes: a custom-built aluminum oyster vessel, one solar powered oyster grader, one 'Oystek' sorting machine, numerous 'Seapa' intertidal baskets and various other marine farming equipment.
Being relatively isolated this lease offers pure, unpolluted water and huge potential to further develop a large area for seafood production.
Interested parties should take the opportunity to further investigate and inspect this most desirable opportunity.