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Lot 26 Da Vinci Drive, Shepparton, VIC 3630, 0 chambres, 0 salles de bain, Section

prix de vente: Sold price unknown

vendu le 2024 04 02
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Lot 26 Da Vinci Drive, Shepparton, VIC 3630


- Located within the sold out 'The Nook' Estate, walking distance to local parks & short drive to SAM, Victoria Park Lake, Broken River walking tracks & Archer Street Shopping Centre

- 667m2 (approx.) with easement at the rear

- Build your dream home or investment property straight away!

évaluation par un tiers

développement immobilier

zonage de planification urbaine
zone inondable
incendie de forêt
électricité haute tension
station électrique haute tension
risque de glissement de terrain

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dernière mise à jour:2024-04-03 00:57:21