Are you wanting a block of land to build your dream home or an investment home?
6 Nyamina Road is one of the last blocks of land at the back of Baynton, just a slog 6 over midwicket to Baynton West Primary School.
? 558sqm corner block
? Located on the corner of Nyamina Road and Birra Link
For more information call Jo Tolomei 0419 912 622 or [email protected]
Ray White Karratha takes every effort to ensure the information provided on this property is deemed to be correct, it cannot be guaranteed. Distances & Measurements quoted are approximations and are not guaranteed. Reference to a location feature does not guarantee availability of that particular feature. All suggestions are subject to City of Karratha & other regulatory approvals. Prospective buyers should make their own enquiries as to the reliance in the accuracy of this information in making their purchasing decision. Further enquiries are welcome on 9185 2444.