User terms 用户协议


欢迎访问后花园找房 新西兰澳洲房产 网站和APP(以下简称“后花园”)的网站、应用程序或使用我们的产品或服务。本协议约定 后花园科技开发有限公司(中国大陆为 成都微武智云科技有限公司 )与用户之间关于 后花园软件服务(以下简称“服务”)的权利义务。“用户”是指注册、登录、使用本APP服务的个人或相关使用者。本协议可由本APP软件系统运行后台及本公司随时更新,更新后的协议条款一旦公布即代替原来的协议条款,恕不再另行通知,用户可在本APP中查阅最新版协议条款,也提请用户随时关注本APP用户协议的更新情况,以免造成不必要的误解和纠纷。在修改协议条款后,如果用户不接受修改后的条款,请立即停止使用本APP提供的服务,用户继续使用本APP提供的服务将被视为接受修改后的协议。




通过完成后花园注册程序,用户便表明其接受了本服务协议的条款,并同意受本服务协议的约束;同时,用户保证其提交的信息真实、准确、及时和完整。 本服务协议所称的用户是指完全同意所有条款(以下简称“服务条款”)并完成注册程序的服务接受者。



3、 服务说明



A. 为使用本服务,用户必须:



B. 用户接受本服务须同意:



若用户提供任何错误、不实、过时或不完整的资料,或者后花园有合理理由怀疑前述资料为错误、不实、过时或不完整,后花园有权暂停或终止用户的帐号,并拒绝其现在或将来使用本服务的全部或一部分。 后花园有权规定并修改使用本服务的一般措施,包括但不限于决定保留电子邮件讯息或其他上载内容的时间、限制本服务一个帐号可接收信息的数量等措施。如后花园未能储存或删除本服务的内容或其他讯息,后花园不负担任何责任。对于用户3个月未使用的帐号,后花园有权(但无义务)予以删除。


4、 用户应遵守以下法律及法规

用户应了解国际互联网的无国界性,应特别注意遵守当地所有有关的法律和法规。 在任何情况下,如果后花园有 合理理由认为用户的行为可能违反当地法律、法规,后花园可以在任何时候,不经事先通知终止向该用户提供服务。










当用户注册 后花园 「应用开发以及所有者为《新西兰后花园科技开发有限公司(中国大陆则为《 成都微武智云科技有限公司 》)」的服务时,用户须提供个人信息。后花园收集个人信息的目的是为用户提供尽可能多的个人化网上服务以及为广告商提供一个方便的途径来接触到适合的用户,并且可以发送相关的信息和广告。在此过程中,广告商绝对不会接触到用户的个人信息。

为了用户体验改进,我们可能会通过应用所集成的 Firebase、腾讯移动分析、AdMob、华为推送,华为联运应用 等SDK 收集 MD5算法和加密的国际移动设备身份码(IMEI)和网络设备地址(MAC),软件安装列表,位置信息,用户手机号,用于统计我们的产品使用情况、版本升级判断、排查崩溃原因、减少崩溃等情况; 以此不断改善我们的产品。这些信息不涉及到您个人身份等隐私信息。 在Android系统中,我们会获取android ID, 此ID仅用于给用户提供更顺畅下单体验,可随时操作加入购物车功能。


A. 后花园不会在未经合法用户授权时,公开、编辑或透露其个人信息及保存在后花园中的非公开内容,除非有下列情况:





B. 在以下(包括但不限于)几种情况下,后花园有权使用用户的个人信息:







Sam Yin
HouGarden com Ltd
Level 3, 3-13 Shortland street,
The Old South British Building,
Auckland City Central
电话: +64 9 3775666 (New Zealand),+61 2 7208 8666 (Australia)






(1) 为确保本应用处于关闭或后台运行状态下可正常接收到客户端推送的广播信息,本应用须使用(自启动)能力,将存在一定频率通过系统发送广播唤醒本应用自启动或关联启动行为,是因实现功能及服务所必要的。

8、 用户帐号、密码和安全



9、 对用户信息的存储和限制


10、 禁止用户从事以下行为:















(1) 法律程序所规定;

(2) 本服务条款规定;

(3) 被侵害的第三人提出权利主张;

(4) 为保护后花园、其使用者及社会公众的权利、财产或人身安全。

(5) 其他后花园认为有必要的情况。

11、 关于用户在后花园的公开使用区域张贴内容:





12、 关于链接


13、 服务的修改和终止


14、 通知


15、 法律的适用和管辖







17、 生效条件


HouGarden website and App User Registration Agreement

Dear Users,

Welcome to the HouGarden New Zealand and Australia Property Portal (hereafter referred to as "HouGarden"), and thank you for using our products or services. This agreement outlines the rights and obligations between Chengdu Wei Wu Zhi Yun Technology Co., Ltd. (for Mainland China users) or HouGarden Com Limited Company (for other users) and the user regarding the services provided by HouGarden (hereinafter referred to as "Service"). The term "user" refers to individuals or entities who register, log in, and use this app's services. This agreement can be updated at any time by our app software system operation background and our company without further notice. Users can review the latest version of the agreement in this app and are advised to pay attention to updates to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. If a user does not accept the amended terms, they should immediately stop using the services provided by this app; continued use will be seen as acceptance of the modified agreement.

Agreement Content

This agreement is a legal document regarding the user's registration and use of services between the user and HouGarden. It outlines the rights and obligations concerning the services. "User" refers to individuals or organizations that register, log in, and use the services. This agreement can be updated by the group at any time, and once published, the updated terms replace the original terms. Users can access the latest version of the agreement on our website's pages.

Acceptance of HouGarden's Terms of Service

By completing the HouGarden registration process, users indicate their acceptance of these terms and agree to be bound by them; simultaneously, users guarantee that the information they submit is truthful, accurate, timely, and complete. Users who fully agree to all terms (hereinafter referred to as "Service Terms") and complete the registration process are referred to as service recipients.

Changes and Modifications to Service Terms

HouGarden reserves the right to change, modify, add, or delete terms of this service agreement at any time at its discretion. All modified agreements form part of this service agreement. HouGarden has the right to modify the service terms at any time, and will notify users of any changes; when users use specific services of HouGarden, they should accept any rules or explanations provided by HouGarden related to that service, which form part of the service terms. If users do not agree with modifications to the service terms, they can cancel their network services; continuing to use the network services means users accept the modifications.

Service Description

HouGarden provides a rich online resource to users through its own operating system via the internet, including various information tools, online forums, personalized content, etc., referred to as the service. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features enhancing or augmenting the current service, including new products, are subject to these service terms without conditions.

HouGarden does not assume any responsibility for the network service, meaning users bear the risk associated with its use. HouGarden does not guarantee that the service will meet users' requirements, nor does it guarantee uninterrupted service, or the timeliness, security, and accuracy of the service.

A. To use this service, users must:

(1) Provide their own equipment necessary to access the international internet, including computers, modems, other access devices, or other equipment required for the service;

(2) Pay any fees related to this service.

B. Users agree to:

(1) Provide complete, truthful, accurate, and up-to-date personal information;

(2) Continuously update registration information.

If any information provided by users is found to be incorrect, untrue, outdated, or incomplete, or if HouGarden has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is incorrect, untrue, outdated, or incomplete, HouGarden has the right to suspend or terminate the user's account and refuse current or future use of the service, in whole or in part. HouGarden has the right to establish and modify general measures for using this service, including but not limited to decisions on the retention time of electronic mail messages or other uploaded content, limits on the number of messages a single account can receive, and other measures. If HouGarden fails to store or delete the content of the service or other messages, it bears no responsibility. For accounts unused for three months, HouGarden has the right (but not the obligation) to delete them.

If a user's actions through the use of the service post or transmit content, connect to the service, violate the service terms, or infringe on the rights of others, leading to any third-party claims or penalties against HouGarden, the user agrees to fully indemnify HouGarden and its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, or other partners and employees from any loss or damage.

User Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Users must understand the borderless nature of the internet and pay special attention to comply with all relevant laws and regulations locally. In any case, if HouGarden has reasonable grounds to believe that a user's actions may violate local laws or regulations, HouGarden may at any time, without prior notice, terminate the service provided to that user.

Agreement Update and Notification

HouGarden reserves the right to revise the terms of this agreement as needed and will publish the revised terms on the website. Once published, the revised agreement terms become effective immediately, replacing the original terms. You may log in at any time to review the most current agreement terms. If you have any questions, you may consult us through the aforementioned contact methods.

For significant changes, we will also notify you by posting a notice in a prominent position on the website. If you do not agree with the revised agreement content, you may stop using our services. If you continue using our services, it will be regarded as your acceptance of the revised agreement.

Please read the entire content of this agreement carefully before registering as a user of HouGarden. If you have any questions, please contact us in time. Thank you for your trust and support!

Information Collection

Personal Information Definition: In this policy, "personal information" is defined in accordance with the "Privacy Act" (including New Zealand's Privacy Act when applicable). In layman's terms, personal information refers to any information that can be used to identify an individual. This may include name, age, gender, postal code, contact information (including telephone numbers and email addresses), and insights generated about identifiable individuals. If the information we collect can directly or indirectly identify an individual, it is likely to be considered personal information.

Contact Information: When you use our products or services, we may collect your contact information, including name, work and/or residential address, email address, telephone number, age and/or date of birth, occupation, job title, and gender. The type of information we collect depends on the products or services you use.

Location Information: When using our products and services, we may collect your location information, such as location data provided by mobile devices or other devices interacting with our website or applications, or location information associated with your IP address or other device identifiers. We may also collect your location information by asking for your postal code or address. This application collects location data to enable the "Find Homes Nearby" feature, even when the app is closed or not in use. These data are also used to provide/support advertising.

Property Information: We collect property information in Australia and New Zealand, which may include property attributes (e.g., number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and parking spaces), property type (e.g., house or unit), estimated property value, sales and rental history, and owner details. Property images and videos may also be collected.

When users register for services offered by HouGarden, developed by "HouGarden com Limited” (in Mainland China as "Chengdu Weiwu Zhiyun Technology Limited Company"), users must provide personal information. The purpose of collecting personal information by HouGarden is to provide users with as much personalized online service as possible and to offer advertisers a convenient way to reach suitable users, including sending related information and advertisements. Advertisers will not have access to users' personal information during this process.

For user experience improvement, we may collect MD5 hashed and encrypted International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) codes and Network Device Addresses (MAC), software installation lists, location information, and user phone numbers through integrated SDKs such as Firebase, Tencent Mobile Analytics, AdMob, Huawei Push, and Huawei Union applications, among others. This information is used to analyze product usage, decide on version upgrades, diagnose crash causes, and reduce crashes, thereby continuously improving our product. These pieces of information do not involve your personal identity or other private information. In Android systems, we obtain the Android ID, which is used solely to provide a smoother ordering experience, including the add-to-cart feature.

Additionally, to present you with information about goods and services, including your browsing history and search history, we collect device information, operation logs, usage behavior information, and other information for which you have given authorization, during your access to our client. This helps us better sort the goods and services presented to you. Also, when using the avatar function, we will inform you that we are collecting camera permissions, storage permissions, etc., and obtain your consent. We obtain camera permissions to assist you in providing your user avatar photo.

A. HouGarden will not publicly disclose, edit, or reveal personal information and non-public content stored in HouGarden without legal authorization from the user, except in the following circumstances:

(1) As stipulated by relevant laws or HouGarden's legitimate service procedures;

(2) In emergency situations, to protect the rights and interests of users and the public;

(3) To maintain the legitimate rights and interests

(4) Circumstances Requiring Public Disclosure, Editing, or Revelation of Personal Information

B. HouGarden is entitled to use the user's personal information under the following circumstances (including, but not limited to):

During promotional activities or sweepstakes, HouGarden may share users' personal information with sponsors. In such instances, HouGarden will notify users before sending out their information, and users have the option to cease the transmission process by opting not to participate.

HouGarden may match users' information with third-party data.

HouGarden may disclose aggregated user statistics to potential partners, advertisers, and other third parties for the purpose of describing HouGarden’s services for other lawful purposes.

HouGarden will send users customized information or other information that HouGarden believes may be of interest to the user. If users prefer not to receive such information, they can inform us at the time of providing their personal information or at any other time. Additionally, HouGarden will take customary industry measures to protect the security of users' information. However, HouGarden cannot assure or guarantee the security of any personal information, and users must assume the risk themselves. For example, when users publicly disclose personal information that can be accessed by the public, they may receive unsolicited information without their consent; HouGarden’s partners and third-party internet sites and services that can be accessed through HouGarden; third parties who learn about users' personal information through activities like sweepstakes and promotions may conduct their independent data collection activities, etc. HouGarden assumes no responsibility for the aforementioned actions of users or any third party.

HouGarden strictly adheres to applicable privacy laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Privacy Act of Australia, the Privacy Act of New Zealand, etc., and takes all necessary measures to protect the security of users' personal information.

For inquiries or concerns regarding our privacy practices, you may contact our designated company representatives through the following means:

Sam Yin

HouGarden com Ltd

Level 3, 3-13 Shortland street,

The Old South British Building,

Auckland City Central

Tel: +64 9 3775666 (New Zealand), +61 2 7208 8666 (Australia)

Activities and Cookies

When you visit our website or use our applications, we or our business partners may collect information about your use of these websites or applications (Usage Data). We may accomplish this through the use of Cookies and other tracking software. This Usage Data enables us to provide you with better, more efficient, and personalized services. It allows us to track the products and services you use, analyze trends, measure transaction and search patterns, manage our website, diagnose problems, test and improve the quality of our products and services, collect broad demographic information, and enable us to conduct targeted online advertising.

You have the control over the use of Cookies on your computer or mobile device. If you prefer not to receive Cookies, you can configure your browser to refuse them on your computer or device. You can also delete Cookies stored in your browser or device at any time. However, please be aware that blocking Cookies may impact your browsing experience and prevent our services from functioning as efficiently or effectively as they otherwise would.

The Usage Data we collect and use is generally not considered personally identifiable information. However, if it is linked to personal information, it may become identifiable. In such cases, we will treat this Usage Data as personal information and will only use it in accordance with our Privacy Policy, privacy laws, and other applicable data protection laws.

Instructions for Self-Start and Associated Start:

(1) To ensure that this application can receive broadcast information pushed by the client app normally when it is either closed or running in the background, this application must use (self-start) capability. It will periodically send broadcasts through the system to wake up the self-start or associated start actions of the application at a certain frequency. This action is necessary for achieving functionalities and services provided.

User Accounts, Passwords, and Security

Once registered successfully, you become a legitimate user of HouGarden and will receive a password and account. You are obligated to ensure the security of your password and account. You are responsible for all activities conducted using your password and account; HouGarden cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this security obligation.

Should your password or account be used without authorization or if you encounter any other security issues, you are encouraged to immediately notify HouGarden. Additionally, you should end your account session after each connection to ensure your safety, failing which you may not receive HouGarden's protection.

Storage and Limitation of User Information

HouGarden is not responsible for the deletion or storage failure of information posted by users. HouGarden reserves the right to determine whether a user's behavior complies with the terms of service of HouGarden. If HouGarden decides that a user has violated the terms of service, it has the right to delete the information posted or sent by the user and may interrupt or terminate the provision of network services to them.

Prohibited User Activities

Users are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

Uploading, posting, sending, or transmitting any illegal, harmful, obscene, vulgar, indecent, threatening, harassing, defamatory, invasive of privacy, derogatory, racially discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate information or emails, including but not limited to news, data, text, software, music, photos, graphics, messages, or other materials (hereinafter referred to as content).

Harming minors in any way.

Impersonating any person or entity, or falsely stating or misrepresenting your affiliation with a person or entity.

Forging headers or otherwise manipulating identifiers to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the service.

Uploading, posting, sending emails, or otherwise transmitting content that you are not authorized to transmit (such as insider information, confidential information).

Uploading, posting, sending emails, or otherwise transmitting content that infringes on any party's intellectual property rights, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights.

Uploading, posting, sending emails, or otherwise transmitting advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," etc., outside of areas designated for such purposes by HouGarden.

Uploading, posting, sending emails, or otherwise transmitting material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.

Interfering with or disrupting the service or servers or networks connected to the service, or disobeying any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the service.

Intentionally or unintentionally violating any applicable local, state, national, or international law, including, but not limited to, regulations promulgated by China.

Stalking or otherwise harassing another.

Engaging in any other behavior deemed inappropriate by HouGarden.

Users bear full responsibility for any content they upload, post, send via email, or transmit through this service. The HouGarden does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the content transmitted via this service. When using this service, users may be exposed to content that is offensive, inappropriate, or objectionable. Under no circumstances will The HouGarden be liable for any content, including but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any content, and any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the service. The HouGarden reserves the right (but has no obligation) to refuse or remove any content available through the service. Users assume all risks associated with the use of such content.

The HouGarden reserves the right to store or disclose content under the following circumstances:

As required by legal proceedings;

As stipulated by these terms of service;

When claims of rights infringement are made by third parties;

To protect the rights, property, or personal safety of The HouGarden, its users, and the public;

In other situations deemed necessary by The HouGarden.

Regarding users posting content in The HouGarden's public areas, including online forums and other areas accessible to the general public:

By posting content in any public area of the service, users grant The HouGarden a free and non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, and publish such content for the purpose of displaying, distributing, and promoting the posted content. Any losses or profits arising from such display, distribution, and promotion will be borne or enjoyed by The HouGarden. The HouGarden has the discretion to award or reward such users but is not obligated to do so.

Users are solely responsible for any claims for damages or losses resulting from their postings that cause any third party to make a claim.

Users may not copy, sell, or use for any commercial purpose any content posted by others in the public areas or any other content of the service.

Regarding links:

The service may provide links to other international Internet sites or resources. The HouGarden does not guarantee the availability of these sites or resources and is not liable for any loss or damage incurred from the use or reliance on these sites or resources.

Modification and Termination of Service:

The HouGarden reserves the right to modify or terminate the service or any part thereof at any time, with or without notice, and shall not be liable to users or any third party for any modification or termination of the service. The HouGarden may terminate users' accounts, passwords, or use of the service, and remove or transfer content posted by users without notice and shall not be liable to users or any third party for any such actions.


Notices to users from The HouGarden may be made via email, website announcement, conventional mail, or any other method deemed appropriate by The HouGarden. The HouGarden will notify users of any changes to the terms of service or other matters through the aforementioned methods.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

The effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of these terms of service are governed by the laws of New Zealand. Disputes will be submitted to the Arbitration Commission in Auckland, and the arbitration award shall be final. If any provision of these terms is invalidated by conflicting local laws, it will not affect the validity of the remaining parts.


If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, or if you have any feedback, questions, or concerns about our privacy policy or practices, please contact us (see "How to Contact Us") and provide detailed information about the incident for investigation.

We have a process for investigating and addressing privacy violations. Upon receiving a complaint, our privacy officers will investigate with the relevant business departments. The investigation aims to identify the nature and cause of the violation. If a violation is found, privacy officers will work with senior management to correct processes to prevent further violations. We will also contact you to inform you of the investigation results. We strive to resolve all investigations within a reasonable timeframe.

Your request or complaint will be treated confidentially. Our representatives may contact you to discuss your concerns and outline options for resolution. We are committed to ensuring your complaint is resolved promptly and appropriately.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that overseas entities receiving your personal information do not breach privacy obligations related to your information. We require overseas recipients to protect the information in a way that overall provides protection comparable to New Zealand's applicable regulations. These overseas recipients may disclose information we share with them under foreign laws. In such cases, we will not be responsible for that disclosure.

Effective Conditions:

Unless otherwise notified, this agreement is effective as of March 22, 2024.