地址保密, Austral, NSW 2179, 4房, 3浴, 独立屋


地址保密, Austral, NSW 2179

South Western Suburbs
Eucalypt Grove为您带来全新的建筑理念,在这里您可以设计和打造专属于自己的家园和土地组合。我们提供多种地块类型、住宅设计以及立面风格供您选择。 所有规划都经过精心设计,旨在打造公园式环境,与大自然和谐共存,同时通过简便的流程,让您轻松挑选和定制梦想中的家园及其配套设施。 以下是我们提供的内容: - 基础设施连接:包括电力、电话、给排水、天然气和雨水排放(仅限地块范围内) - 提供符合色彩方案的20毫米厚石材台面 - 提供哑光表面层压橱柜,搭配踢脚板和Hafele拉手(抽屉水平,橱柜垂直) - 厨房吊柜预留冰箱空间,采用无拉手设计 - 厨房吊柜框架和石膏板封边,带冰箱空间 - 食品储藏室内配备四块装饰板 - 厨房抽屉和门采用软关闭设计 - 根据所选色彩方案,厨房提供瓷砖防溅背板 - 双盆水槽 - Artusi 900毫米燃气灶台 - Artusi 900毫米抽油烟机 - Artusi 不锈钢独立式洗碗机 - Artusi 微波炉,包括装饰套件 - 3.52kW太阳能系统,带3kW太阳能逆变器 - 入口、入口走廊、家庭娱乐室、餐厅或餐饮区、厨房(根据所选色彩方案)铺设陶瓷地砖 - 住宅其余部分(单独的客厅、卧室、卧室走廊和楼梯 - 如适用)铺设地毯,包括标准衬垫 - 提供符合色彩方案的20毫米厚石材洗手台 - Hafele拉手(橱柜垂直) - 洗手盆 - 白色,带弹出式塞和废物,铬合金材质 - 提供符合色彩方案的哑光表面层压橱柜,带阴影线 - 全屋配备铬合金卫生纸架 - 主浴室和卫浴套间配备铬合金双毛巾架 - 洗手间配备铬合金毛巾环(设计特定) - 半框式淋浴屏,带枢轴门,铬合金边缘和透明层压玻璃 特别声明:以上信息来源于我们认为可靠的来源。有意者请自行核实。 图片仅供参考。 Amazing Double Storey House in Eucalypt st, Austral - Split Contract


One of the most appealing aspects of Eucalypt Grove is your ability to create your own home and land package, choosing from a range of different lot types, home designs and fa?ade styles.

All have been carefully curated to enhance the parkland environment and create an affinity with nature, delivered by a process that makes it easy to select and personalise the home and land package you've always dreamed of.


Service Connection ? Power, Phone, Water, Sewer, Gas & Stormwater

(within boundary)

20mm stone benchtop as per selected colour scheme

Matt Laminate cabinetry as per selected colour scheme with

Kickboards and Hafele handles (Horizontal to drawers & Vertical to


Finger pull Overhead Cupboards to Kitchen including fridge space

Framed and Plasterboard Bulkheads to Overhead Cupboards

including fridge space

4 x Melamine shelves to pantry

Soft close Drawers and Doors to Kitchen

Tiled splash back to Kitchen as per selected colour scheme

Double bowl sink

Artusi 900mm Gas Cooktop

Artusi 900mm Rangehood

Artusi freestanding dishwasher in stainless steel

Artusi microwave oven including Trim Kit3.52kW Solar system with 3kW Solar Inverter

Ceramic Floor Tiles to Entry, Entry Hallway, Family, Dining/Meals and

Kitchen (as per selected colour scheme)

Carpet (as per selected colour scheme) to remainder of dwelling

including standard underlay (separate Lounge, Bedrooms, Bedroom

Hallways and Stairs - if applicable)

20mm stone vanity top as per selected colour scheme

Hafele handles (vertical to cupboards)

Vanity Basin 1 Tap hole ? White with Pop-UP Plug and Waste - Chrome

Matt Laminate soft close cabinets shadowline as per selected

colour scheme

Chrome toilet roll holder throughout

Chrome double towel rail to Main Bathroom and Ensuite

Chrome towel ring to Powder Room only (Design Specific)

Semi-frameless shower screens with pivot doors, chrome trims and

clear laminated glass

Disclaimer: The above information has been gathered from sources that we believe are reliable. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information, and we do not accept responsibility for its accuracy. Any interested parties should rely on their own inquiries

Pictures are for illustration purpose only





最后更新:2024-06-30 15:45:47