电话咨询物业编号:1553(来电或短信时请提及相关编号),作为这所房子的业主,我自豪地宣布,我们正在出售位于R4 Showground地区的最佳位置地块。它被划分为R4区域,允许7层建筑,容积率2.3,占地1485平方米。该地块最近再次被草案重新划分为7层,首层为商业用途,现在Chris Minns已经概述了一个计划,将容积率大幅提升至3.0,并将高度增加至超过9层,以适应最新的可负担住房计划。
这将使得坐落在这个位置的建筑物成为Castle Hill区域最显眼的建筑之一,360度俯瞰整个Hills District。从顶层公寓看到的景色无疑是整个Hills区域最美的。这块地块被城市规划师选为Showground R4地区的东北角,因为它位于一座小山上,面向Castle Hill。我们的物业边界被用作划分7层和3层区域的界限,一直延伸至Cattai Creek!这个位置将提供的景色将非常美丽。
Showground Rd从我们物业开始向下倾斜,然后逐渐上升直至Castle Hill的顶部,因此得名。开车经过时,可以看看景色有多美。我妻子和我经常坐在前面的阳台上,俯瞰整个Britannia Rd,我知道有一天我们会怀念这里的。我们可以想象从7层楼上看下去会是多么美丽。建在这块物业上的顶层公寓将在R4 Showground地区每平方米售价最高。即使较低楼层也能看到Britannia Rd的绝佳景色,你必须亲自去看看。晚上更加美丽,从我们的阳台可以看到200米外Britannia Rd上灯火通明的斑马线。
有一个大门可以通往Castle Hill RSL,仅需步行3分钟。这是整个Showground开发区域内最大的单一地块之一,但更重要的是,Showground Rd上第二大的街面。它是Castle Hill的地理中心——几乎正好位于Castle Hill Showground、Castle Hill零售区中心、Castle Hill精英区和Castle Hill工业区之间。Castle Hill Towers正在升级中,并有望成为南半球最大的中心。Castle Hill Towers的一个新活动中心的建设刚刚开始。到2024年,你将能乘坐不到40分钟的直达火车进入市区。到2026年,你将能直接乘坐火车到新的西悉尼机场。在105 Showground Rd前面就有公交车站。
这个郊区因为拥有你想要的一切而人气飙升。这里的犯罪率是世界上最低的,拥有世界上最好的设施,同时终于有了支持这些设施的基础设施。Castle Hill已经是世界上最好的居住地之一,而且只会变得更好。由于其优质学校,这里已经拥有了一个出色的华人和韩国社区。此外,它还位于Castle Hill高中的招生区域内,这是被认为最好的公立学校之一,仅需步行5分钟,同时拥有自己的TAFE。
Castle Hill Showground的升级工程即将开始,你可以在Google澳大利亚网站上输入Castle Hill Showground Master plan,第一个搜索结果就是。我们只希望直接与开发商和代表单一开发商的代理商交谈。请不要用低价报价浪费我们的时间,因为这是showground开发区域内最优质的位置。如果支付要价,我们会考虑物业的短期24个月期权。如果需要期权,期权费用将不予退还,开发商需要在游戏中投入相当大的资金。
地块还拥有一座巨大的320平方米双层砖分割水平住宅,拥有美丽的7米高拱形天花板和精美的雪松抛光地板。地块在Showground Rd上有两个独立的入口车道和一个独立的7x7米车库。附带的三个车库已被改造成店面,允许在同一物业上经营出色的生意。这所房子真的很美,可惜这么好的东西将不得不被拆除,为新的开发让路。它将是任何即将进行的开发的展示厅的完美选择。
我拥有距离我们的物业300米内showground地区几乎每个人的联系方式,并乐意帮助大型开发商与土地所有者群体(PODS)取得联系。如果你在谷歌上输入Showground Gardens并访问为其创建的网站,你会看到有多少潜在的物业可以被收购。
101 Showground Rd, Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Castle Hill Centrepoint - 1485sqm of R4, 9 Storey, 2.99 FSR, Northeast corner of the new Norwest Showground Precinct! Amazing View Over Castle HillPhone Enquiry Property ID: 1553 (Quote when calling or texting)
As the owner of the house, I am proud to announce that we are putting up for sale the best positioned block in the R4 Showground Precinct it is zoned R4, 7 Storey, FSR 2.3 and a huge 1485sq m. This was recently draft rezoned again to 7 storey's, 1st Floor Commercial and now Chris Minns has outlined a plan where the FSR will be increased to a massive 3.0 FSR and the height increased to more than 10 storeys with the latest affordable housing plans. This will make the building that sits on this location one of the most prominent buildings in the Castle Hill area looking 360 degrees over the entire of Hills District. The view from the penthouse will be arguably the best in all of the Hills area.
This block was chosen by town planners to be the north east corner of the Showground R4 precinct as it sits upon the top of a hill looking up to Castle Hill. Our property boundary was used as the defining line separating the 7 storey's and 3 storeys zones all the way down to Cattai Creek!
The view this location will provide will be beautiful. Showground Rd starts to slope downwards from our property and then gradually rises all the way up to the top of Castle Hill, hence the name. Drive past, check out how beautiful the view is. My wife and I spend a lot of time sitting out the front on our balcony looking all the way down Britannia Rd, I know we are going to miss it one day. We can only imagine just how beautiful it will be from 10 storeys up.
The penthouse that sits atop of the units built on this property will fetch the highest price per sq m in the R4 Showground Precinct. Even the lower levels will have a fantastic view down Britannia Rd, you have to see it for yourself. Its even better at night, you can see 200 metres right down the hill to the lit crosswalk on Britannia Rd from our balcony. There is a gate that allows access to Castle Hill RSL with just a 3 minute walk.
This is one of the largest single blocks in the entire Showground Development Precinct but more importantly, second largest street frontage on Showground Rd.
It is the geographical centre of Castle Hill - nestled almost exactly in the middle between the Castle Hill Showground, the centre of the Castle Hill retail district, Castle Hill Elite district and the Castle Hill industrial district. Castle Hill Towers is getting upgraded as we speak and is vying to be the biggest centre in the southern hemisphere. Development has just started on a new action centre that is part of Castle Hill Towers. A 6 minute walk and you are on the Metro going to the city in just 32 minutes. In 2026, you will be able to catch a train directly to the new Western Sydney airport. There is a bus stop right out the front at 105 Showground Rd. The suburb is exploding in popularity because it has everything you want. It has one of the lowest crime rates in world, it has some of the best facilities in the world all while finally having the infrastructure to support it. Castle Hill is already one of the best places in the world to live and its only going to get better. It already has a fantastic Chinese and Korean community because of the quality schools in the area. It also is within the Castle Hill high school catchment zone which is considered to be one of the best public schools only 5 minutes walk away as well as having its own TAFE.
Cattai Creek is currently being upgraded as we speak as well as new bike lanes through Castle Hill Showground. Woolworths and 3 levels of commercial shops will open at the showground first quarter 2026.
We are only interested in speaking directly with developers and agents that are working on behalf of a single developer.
Please don't waste our time with low ball offers as this is the premier location in the showground development precinct. We would consider a short 24 month option on the property if the asking price is paid. If an option is required, the option fee/s will be non-refundable and the developer will need to have a decent amount of skin in the game.
The land also has a massive 320sqm Double Brick Split level home with beautiful 7-meter cathedral ceilings with beautiful cedar polished floorboards. The land has 2 separate driveways onto Showground Rd with a separate 7 x 7-meter garage. The attached Triple Garage has been converted into a shopfront allowing a fantastic business to run from the same property. The house is truly beautiful and it's a shame something this good will be have to be demolished to make way for the new development. It would be perfect for a show room for any impending development.
I have the contact details of almost everyone in the showground precinct within 300 metres of our property and am happy to help larger developers get in contact with groups (PODS) of land owners. If you type Showground Gardens into google and go to the website made for it, you will see how many properties can potentially be picked up.