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87a Elizabeth Crescent, Kingswood, NSW 2747 Immaculate Two Bedroom - Cottage Style Granny Flat!Sitting in a Quiet Street of Kingswood is this Beautiful Two Bedroom Granny Flat, Minutes from Multiple Local Amenities including Multiple Local Shopping Centres, Public Stops along with Easy Access to Penrith and also the M4! This Property is Perfect for Young Couples or Professionals Searching for Low Maintenance Living!
Features Include:
+ Two Spacious Bed Rooms with Built-Ins to Both!
+ Split System Air-Conditioning in the Lounge Room!
+ Great Sized Modern Kitchen fitted with Dishwasher and Ample Cupboard Storage!
+ Combined Laundry and Bathroom!
+ Separate Entry and Own Driveway with Multiple Parking Spaces!
+ Large Backyard with Undercover Decking!
+ Storage Shed in the Back of the Property!
+ Located in a Quiet Cul-De-Sac within Ten Minutes of Penrith Westfield and the M4!
+ Located Close-By to University of Western Sydney and TAFE!
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