该物业具备极大的开发潜力,是一个极具吸引力的投资机会!凭借其广阔的两英亩面积以及靠近Vineyard Station的便利位置,提供了多样化的开发可能:
- 开发潜力:这片宽广且平坦的土地成为开发商寻求规模化利用和优越地理位置的理想选择,同时需遵守相关规划法规。
- 邻近低密度住宅开发:周边物业的未来开发计划预示着有利于进一步增长和投资的环境。
- 投资吸引力:对于在房地产市场中寻找投资机会的潜在投资者来说,该物业有望成为其投资组合中的高品质资产。
- 宽敞尺寸:大约100米乘80米的尺寸,提供了充裕的空间以供规划和实施开发项目。
- 生活便利:靠近当地商店、公共交通、知名的Vineyard Public School等学校,以及Scheyville National Park和Rouse Hill Regional Park等公园,提升了该物业对潜在买家或租户的吸引力。
- 周边休闲活动:紧邻Windsor的餐厅、咖啡馆、酒吧,以及Lynwood Golf and Country Club和Hawkesbury River等休闲场所,增加了该物业对居民和游客的吸引力。
This property is a lucrative opportunity for development! With its extensive two-acre size and convenient location near Vineyard Station, it offers a range of possibilities:
Development Potential: The large, level landholding is ideal for developers looking to capitalize on its size and location. (STCA)
Adjacent Low Density Housing Development: The future development plans of neighboring properties indicate a favorable environment for further growth and investment.
Investment Appeal: This property could be an excellent addition to the portfolio of prospective investors seeking opportunities in the real estate market.
Generous Dimensions: With dimensions of approximately 100 meters by 80 meters, there's ample space to plan and execute development projects.
Convenient Amenities: Its proximity to local shops, public transportation, schools like Vineyard Public School, and parks such as Scheyville National Park and Rouse Hill Regional Park enhances its appeal to potential buyers or tenants.
Nearby Leisure Activities: Being close to restaurants, cafes, bars in Windsor, as well as recreational facilities like Lynwood Golf and Country Club and the Hawkesbury River, adds to the property's attractiveness for residents or visitors.
Overall, this property presents a compelling opportunity for various stakeholders, whether they're developers, investors, or individuals looking for a strategic real estate investment.