欢迎来到Seabreeze Estate Beachmere,这里为您提供了沿海村庄生活的宁静与风格。我们的社区位于美丽的Moreton Bay Beachmere前,这里的生活便利设施一应俱全。您可以在20分钟内到达电气化火车、Bunnings、主要购物中心和Caboolture医院。此外,我们还提供通往湾区的深水通道,让您可以在漫步海滩或将船放入Caboolture河时,尽享水上生活。
Seabreeze Estate拥有大型平坦地块,面积从415到700平方米不等。宽大的前端可以容纳带有大型RV车库的家或侧面通道到后部以建造仓库。
如果您对我们的房产感兴趣,欢迎通过电子邮件或拨打1300 815 051并输入代码2583进行咨询。
地址:Seabreeze Estate Beachmere
咨询热线:1300 815 051(请输入代码2583)
Lot 13 Zacary Court, Beachmere, QLD 4510 Beachmere Qld - Close to Brisbane but a world awayTo enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 2583
Seabreeze Estate Beachmere
Enjoy the serenity and lifestyle of coastal village living. Fronting Moreton Bay Beachmere has everything you need right at your finger tips. Modern Tavern, shopping centre with Large IGA and medical centre, beachside coffee shops are all here yet you?re only 20 min to the electric train, Bunnings, major shopping centres and the Caboolture hospital. Stroll the beach or drop the boat in the Caboolture river with deep water access to the bay.
Seabreeze Estate has large level lots - 415 to 700 sqm with wide frontages to accomodate homes with large RV garages or side ac-cess to the rear for a shed.
Construction completed Mid April - Titles Late May
To enquire, please email or call 1300 815 051 and enter code 2583