9 Pinedale Road, Cashmere, QLD 4500, 4房, 4浴, 独立屋

For Sale Now

9 Pinedale Road, Cashmere, QLD 4500

独立屋上市时间 9月3日

Cashmere 4房 占地广阔的家庭住宅,带有大型棚屋和巨大的独立工作室?所有这些都位于一个美丽的近22英亩的地块上 Sprawling Family Residence With Massive Sheds & An Enormous Separate Studio?All On A Picturesque Allotment Of Almost 22 Acres



号码9是Pinedale路左边的第一个车道。当你沿着平滑的沥青车道向前行驶,经过前电动门,你不禁会想知道,这样一个平和、私密的地方如何存在于如此靠近许多便利设施的地方?你只需几分钟的车程就能到达'Marketplace Warner'购物中心,

Genesis Christian College或Warner Tavern,而且,你离Albany Creek的中心,Petrie大学,Samford村,Petrie火车站和其他许多优质学校也很近。

你位于Lake Samsonvale后面的这个隐蔽的Pinedale路口袋里,只有另外两处房产。


走进去,你可能会不知道先去哪个地方好 - 左边有一个迷人的休息区或正式餐厅,右边有一个巨大的正式休息室,再往里走,有一个宽敞的家庭室,是您一天结束时聚会的理想场所。


离开厨房,你会发现一个迷人的北向阳光房,装有从地板到天花板的玻璃面板 - 早上,你可以在这里享用卡布奇诺,尽情享受隐私,不用操心世界。


你会在楼下的右侧找到主卧室,这是一个宏伟的套房,包括一个图书馆或父母休息区,一个完全配备的步入式衣柜,直接通往外部(还有一个配备的内置衣柜)和一个带有石台面,2-Pac橱柜,大型洗手盆,独立马桶,独立淋浴和浴缸的豪华主浴室 - 你很难找到一个比这更好的主卧室,有风扇和空调,全年保持温度完美。


在这里之后,你有一个大型综合车库(可容纳2 x 2辆车)直接通向房子,完成了房子的底层。

回到入口处,你会沿着优雅的内部胡桃木楼梯上升,找到开放式的锻炼区,一个宽敞的青少年 retreat(或婴儿房,电视房或另一个书房)和另外三个带有大型内置衣柜和天花板风扇的卧室。最近安装的中央空调确保了楼上温度适中。

主浴室提供 extensive 墙砖,2-Pac 梳妆台,大型淋浴和宽敞的毛巾柜。

你会打开吸引人的双扇木门,发现一个宽敞的全瓷砖后院甲板,有高凉亭式屋顶线 - 一个欣赏整个物业的好地方,温和的凉风轻松地飘过,通过后楼梯的外部通道,你可以到达广阔的正式花园和户外遮蔽阳台。


精心设计的车间空间配有充足的实际照明完成了完美的 "Man-cave"?此外,在仓库后面还有一个单独的洗衣房。

继续朝物业的后部前进,你会被巨大的工作室惊呆:100平方米的大小(不包括工作室甲板)并提供乙烯基地板,是艺术家、个人教练、家庭教育、音乐家或 perhaps 一个巨大的家庭办公空间,可以分成几个不同的办公室 - 也许是一个重要的私人企业的行政基地,完全空调。


当你朝更远的地方看时,你会喜欢这个真正迷人的、巨大的 spring-fed 池塘,旁边有一个小屋?这是一个让孩子们安全玩耍的好地方,或者只是作为工作室和主住宅的风景背景。从小屋的甲板上观看鸟类,尤其是因为池塘为水提供了稳定的供应。池塘泵允许水供应到花园和草坪,确保场地得到良好的浇水。

有足够的空间存放大型船只、拖车、大型机械或额外的车辆,鉴于目前的 "Rural" 规划,你当然可以在家经营业务。

这里的特点比我们能在广告中提到的还要多,但我们还是会尝试?110,000升的储水容量,楼上抛光木材地板,双扇窗户,屋顶上的 whirlybirds 和隔热天花板,6千瓦的太阳能系统,2 x 电热水瓶系统确保快速获得热水,精心修剪的花园,草坪和树篱 - 维护良好,分为有趣的 "花园房间",可通往 Lake Samsonvale,2.5公里的步行小径,一个优秀的圆形车道,为大车辆和重型车辆提供方便,无需倒车和转弯,直接通往后工作室建筑的车道, bypasses 主住宅,目前有超过20辆车的硬质停车位,还有空间创建更多的停车位。




? 21.9英亩的美丽景观,拥有精心修剪的树篱,壮观的花园和惊人的本土植物

? 2.5公里的步行小径和小径

? 全沥青圆形车道,可直接通往主住宅、大型仓库或工作室,同时 bypasses 主住宅

? 巨大的池塘,旁边有一个小屋

? 可通往 Lake Samsonvale 的后部


? 家中共有7个独立的居住和餐饮区(包括楼下的正式餐厅/休息室,正式休息室,休闲餐饮区,完全封闭的北向阳光房,巨大的独立娱乐室,父母休息室/图书馆和楼上的休息区)

? 楼下的主套房带有大型步入式衣柜(可直接通往外部)和精美的主浴室

? 另外三个宽敞的卧室位于楼上 - 每个都有大的内置衣柜

? 令人惊叹的高级厨房,配有深色大理石台面,时尚的玻璃溅射背板,完整的管家食品储藏室,通往阳光房的服务台和一系列高质量的高级家电

? 两个完整的浴室,包括豪华的主浴室和令人印象深刻的楼上主浴室

? 优雅的内部胡桃木楼梯

? 楼上的中央空调

? 楼上抛光木材地板

? 双扇窗户

? 屋顶上的 whirlybirds 和隔热天花板

? 屋顶上的 Telstra 天线确保出色的连接性


? 100平方米的大小,不包括工作室甲板

? 乙烯基地板

? 空调

? 完美的空间,适合艺术家、个人教练、家庭教育、音乐家或 perhaps 一个巨大的家庭办公空间,可以分成几个不同的办公室 - 也许是一个重要的私人企业的行政基地

? 楼下区域,目前用作训练室和储藏室

? 理事会批准的上层工作室空间

? 易于车辆进入


? 大型综合车库(可容纳2 x 2辆车)直接通向房子

? 巨大的混凝土块仓库,可以容纳7辆车,拖车,船只,拖拉机或汽车,还有许多其他物品

? 目前有超过20辆车的硬质停车位,还有空间创建更多的停车位


? 110,000升的储水容量

? 6千瓦的太阳能系统

? 2 x 电热水瓶系统确保快速获得热水

? 屋顶上的 Telstra 天线


? 只需几分钟的车程就能到达 'Marketplace Warner' 购物中心,Genesis Christian College 或 Warner Tavern

? 到 Albany Creek 的中心,Petrie 大学,Samford 村,Petrie 火车站和许多其他优质学校也很近

? 在 Lake Samsonvale 的后面

? 靠近 Forgan Cove 船坞和 'Bullocky's Rest' 风景优美的野餐地点

? 40分钟到布里斯班市中心或布里斯班机场

不要搞错 - 这个物业在这样一个街区上是无价的!



'The Michael Spillane Team' 最佳联系方式是 0414 249 947,以安排您的私人检查。

9 Pinedale Road, Cashmere, QLD 4500 Sprawling Family Residence With Massive Sheds & An Enormous Separate Studio?All On A Picturesque Allotment Of Almost 22 Acres

Without question, this magnificent property is one of the most amazing homes that has ever been offered for sale in the entire suburb of Cashmere.

Offering an abundance of privacy, a spacious two-storey rendered brick residence, a spectacular dam, a large studio that could be utilised in many different ways and finally, more shed space than you could possibly use?this incredible property is a 'one-of-a-kind' opportunity that rarely comes around.

Number 9 is the first driveway on the left of Pinedale Road. As you head past the front electric gate along the smooth bitumen driveway, you'll find yourself wondering how a property so peaceful and so private can exist in a place that's so close to so many amenities ? you're only a few minutes' drive from 'Marketplace Warner' shopping centre,

Genesis Christian College or the Warner Tavern but as well as this, you're a short distance to the heart of Albany Creek, the Petrie University, Samford Village, the Petrie train station and a myriad of other quality schools.

You're right behind Lake Samsonvale, close to picturesque 'Bullocky's Rest', and the canoe launch spot at Forgan Cove. Yet all within 40 minutes of the Brisbane CBD or the Brisbane Airport.

This discreet pocket of Pinedale Road has only 2 other properties in this quiet cul-de-sac.

The elongated bitumen driveway leads you right to the main residence?an abode that's been cleverly designed and is bound to impress from the moment you enter through the front porch and double timber doors.

Step inside and you'll wonder which way to go first - there's a fabulous sitting area or formal dining area to the left, a huge formal lounge to the right and beyond here, a spacious family room that's the ideal place for you to congregate at the end of the day.

This space leads you to the stunning upmarket kitchen featuring 30mm dark marble counter-tops with waterfall edges and breakfast bar, recessed sinks, 2-Pac cabinetry, a servery to the sunroom, a glass splashback, space for a double door fridge, a full Butler's pantry and a fine choice of quality appliances including an induction cook top, a stainless steel dishwasher, a stainless steel oven and an integrated range hood.

Beyond the kitchen, you'll find the delightful light-filled North-facing sunroom with floor-to-ceiling glass panels - the perfect place to relax with a cappuccino in the early mornings as you bask in complete privacy without a care in the world.

There's a third bathroom and linen cupboard neatly tucked away behind the kitchen.

You'll head to the right wing of the home whilst still on the lower level and discover the palatial master suite that comprises a library or parents' retreat, a fully fitted walk-in robe with direct access outside (plus a fitted built-in robe) and a luxurious ensuite with stone tops, 2-Pac cabinetry, large basin, a separate toilet, a separate shower and a bath where you can luxuriate and enjoy the view of the trees - You'll be hard pressed to find a master bedroom that's better than this one with fan and arirconditioning to keep the temperature perfect throughout the year.

Head across to the left wing of the home and you'll find the generously sized rumpus room featuring a vaulted ceiling, air-conditioning, a built-in cupboard and a separate entrance. This is where the kids can have their own area and hang out with their friends.

Beyond here, you have a large integrated carport (2 x 2 vehicles) with direct entry to the house that completes the lower level of the home.

Head back to the entrance where you'll ascend the elegant internal Mahogany staircase to find the open exercise area, a sizable teenage retreat (or nursery, TV room or another study) and another three bedrooms each with large built-in robes and ceiling fans. The recently installed ducted airconditioning keeps the upper floor perfectly climate controlled.

The main bathroom provides extensive wall tiling, a 2-Pac vanity, a large shower and generous linen cupboard.

You'll open the attractive twin timber doors to discover the expansive, fully tiled rear deck with high pavilion style roofline - a superb place to take in the entire property as the gentle cool breezes meander with ease and an external access by way of rear steps takes you to the extensive formal gardens and outdoor covered patio.

Meander from the home and you'll discover the massive brick shed that could accommodate 7 vehicles, trailers or boats and a myriad of other items.

The well fitted workshop space with ample effective lighting completes the perfect "Man-cave"?and there's also a separate laundry at the rear of the shed.

Head further towards the rear of the property and you'll be blown away by the enormous studio: 100m2 in size (excluding the studio deck) and offering vinyl flooring the perfect space for an artist, personal trainer, home schooling, musicians, or perhaps a huge area to work from home that could be divided into separate offices - perhaps an administrative base for a significant private business that's fully air-conditioned.

Underneath the studio, another area is currently used as a training room and storage. With easy vehicle access to this separate building, you'll quickly summarise that everything here has been very carefully considered.

As you gaze a little further afield, you'll love the truly picturesque and gigantic spring-fed dam with a small hut right alongside?a lovely place for the kids to play safely or just have as a scenic backdrop to the studio and main residence. An excellent spot for bird watching from the deck of the hut especially as the dam provides a steady supply of water. The dam pump allows for an endless supply of water to the gardens and lawns around the home, ensuring the grounds are well watered at your discretion.

There are ample spaces to store large boats, caravans, large machinery or extra vehicles and given the current 'Rural' zoning, you can certainly run a business from home.

There are more features here than we can possibly fit in this advert but we'll try?110,000 litres of tank water capacity, polished timber floors upstairs, double hung windows, whirlybirds on the roof and insulated ceilings, 6 KW solar system, 2 x electric hot water tank systems ensuring quick access to hot water, beautifully manicured gardens, lawns and hedges - well maintained and divided into interesting "garden rooms, accessible to Lake Samsonvale, 2.5 km of walking tracks on the property, an excellent circular road access for larger and heavy vehicles that eliminates any requirement for reversing and turning, direct road access to rear studio building that by-passes the main residence, currently parking for over 20 vehicles on hard-standing and space to create more parking if desired.

This is a truly mesmeric property that encapsulates everything there is to love about acreage living don't delay!

A summary of features includes:

The Block:

? Idyllic 21.9 acres that is features beautifully manicured hedges, spectacular gardens and incredible natives

? 2.5 kilometres of walking paths and trails

? Full bitumen circular driveway with direct access to either the main residence, the huge shed or the studio whilst by-passing the main residence

? Enormous dam with small hut alongside the dam

? Accessible to Lake Samsonvale at the rear

The Main Residence:

? A total of 7 separate living and dining areas within the home (including the formal dining/ sitting room downstairs, the formal lounge, the casual dining area, the fully enclosed North-facing sunroom, the massive separate rumpus room, the parents' retreat/ library and the upstairs sitting area)

? Downstairs master suite with large walk-in robe (and direct external access) and gorgeous ensuite

? Another three generously sized bedrooms upstairs ? each with big built-in robes

? Stunning gourmet kitchen with dark marble tops, a chic glass splashback, a full Butler's pantry, a servery to the sunroom and a selection of high-quality upmarket appliances

? Two full bathrooms including the luxurious ensuite and the impressive upstairs main bathroom

? Elegant internal Mahogany staircase

? Ducted air-conditioning upstair

? Polished timber floors upstairs

? Double hung windows

? Whirlybirds on the roof with insulated ceilings

? Telstra aerials on the roof to ensure excellent connectivity

The Separate Studio:

? 100m2 in size excluding the studio deck

? Vinyl flooring

? Air-conditioning

? The perfect space for an artist, personal trainer, home schooling, musician or perhaps a huge area to work from home that could be divided into separate offices - maybe an administrative base for a significant private business

? Downstairs area with kitchenette that's currently used as a training room and storage

? Council approved space in upper studio

? Easy vehicle access

Car Accommodation:

? Large integrated carport (2 x 2 vehicles) with direct entry to the house

? Massive concrete block shed that could accommodate 7 vehicles, trailers, boats, tractors or carvans and a myriad of other items

? currently parking for over 20 vehicles on hard-standing and space to create more parking if desired

Extra Features:

? 110,000 litres of tank water capacity

? 6 KW solar system

? 2 x electric hot water tank systems ensuring quick access to hot water

? Telstra aerials on the house roof

The Location:

? Only a few minutes' drive from 'Marketplace Warner' shopping centre, Genesis Christian College or the Warner Tavern

? A short distance to the heart of Albany Creek, the Petrie University, Samford Village, the Petrie train station and a myriad of other quality schools

? Right behind Lake Samsonvale

? Close to Forgan Cove boat ramp and picturesque 'Bullocky's Rest' picnic spot

? 40 minutes to Brisbane CBD or Brisbane Airport

Make no mistake ? this property is completely irreplaceable on a block that you just can't buy (even if you wanted to).

There's an incredible amount of infrastructure here and a quality that is undeniably opulent!

We'd strongly advise you to act fast to avoid disappointment!

'The Michael Spillane Team' is best contacted on 0414 249 947 to arrange a time for your private inspection.





Mount Samson State School
5.29 km
icsea: 1074
Bray Park State High School
5.69 km
icsea: 987


Need Login



272 Winn Road, Cashmere
0.47 km
Council approved
103 Dobson Road, Clear Mountain
2.39 km
Council approved
24 Dana Street, Cashmere
1.97 km
Council approved
22 Page Close, Cashmere
1.48 km
Council approved
81 Dobson Road, Clear Mountain
2.32 km
Council approved


房源编号:R2-4276532最后更新:2025-03-06 21:05:23