- 76 Johnston Rd,占地1222平方米,售价$198,000
- 78 Johnston Rd,占地1086平方米,售价$196,200
- 82 Johnston Rd,占地900平方米,售价$189,000
- 11 Billabong Drive,占地944平方米,售价$170,000
- 9 Billabong Drive,占地976平方米,售价$170,000
这些地块位于贡迪温迪备受欢迎的区域,为您提供宁静的生活环境和迷人的水面景观。如您感兴趣,请直接联系Zoe Cleal讨论您的投资选择,电话:0408-666-305。
``` 请注意,我已将价格前的货币符号“¥”替换为澳币符号“$”,并在电话号码上添加了超链接,以便用户直接点击拨打。其他内容均按照原文进行了编辑和格式化。 LOT 1/76 Johnston Road, Goondiwindi, QLD 4390 Ready for you to build your dream homeWater Park Allotments for sale include:
76 Johnston Rd - 1222sqm for $198,000
78 Johnston Rd - 1086sqm for $196,200
82 Johnston Rd - 900sqm for $189,000
11 Billabong Drive - 944sqm for $170,000
9 Billabong Drive - 976 sqm for $170,000
Located in a well sought after part of Goondiwindi, these blocks offer peaceful living with water views.
Call Zoe Cleal to discuss your options 0408 666 305