这座整洁的低矮木制住宅刚刚对外墙进行了翻新粉刷,展现出崭新的面貌。住宅拥有3间宽敞的卧室、客厅和功能齐全的厨房,合并的浴室兼洗衣间,生活空间布局合理。全屋铺设抛光木质地板,给您带来温馨舒适的居住体验。前面和后面都设有凉台,让您可以在阳光明媚的日子里享受户外时光。这座房子是在2002年迁移到岛屿上的,耐用且具有独特的历史背景。它靠近Emerald Isle商店,生活便利,非常适合首房买家或投资者。
8 Ibis St, Macleay Island, QLD 4184 Endless PotentialThis tidy lowset solid timber home has just been freshly painted on the outside. The home features 3 generous size bedrooms, lounge room, functional kitchen, combined bathroom and laundry. Polished timber floors throughout. There are verandas at the front and back. Situated on a 544m2 block in a quiet street. This home was brought over to the island in 2002. Close to Emerald Isle Shops. Great opportunity for the first home buyers or investors.
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Property Code: 2854