在仅一次的开放日检查后,我们成功售出了2单元和14单元,显示出这一综合体住宅单位需求之强劲。综合体由现场管理人员进行卓越管理,物业管理费用合理,每年仅需大约3610澳币,已包含沉没基金、建筑物保险和行政成本。我们为您精心挑选了Murarrie区Rawlinson Street 40号的第10单元。
- 目前出租中:租约即将到期,租户愿意续签租赁协议,当前租金收入为每周550澳币。
- 豪华布局:这个宽敞的2卧室、2卫浴公寓配备了一个宽敞的阳台,非常适合娱乐或放松。
- 宽敞的生活空间:设计舒适且风格时尚的宽敞客厅和餐厅,为家庭聚会或亲密晚宴提供了充足的空间。
- 现代厨房:配备了顶级现代电器的厨房,是厨师们的最爱。
- 豪华卧室:两个卧室都能轻松容纳king尺寸的床。主卧室配备有一个卫浴套间和步入式衣橱(WIR),第二间卧室也设有WIR,提供了充足的储物空间。
- 拍卖详情:具体信息请咨询。
- 免责声明:提供的所有信息均已谨慎准备,感兴趣的各方应自行进行调查并依赖自己的查询结果。
在Murarrie区Rawlinson Street 40号的10/40单元体验奢华生活的巅峰。立即联系KC进行看房安排,亲眼看看为什么这个单元是最佳之选。
10/40 Rawlinson Street, Murarrie, QLD 4172 Prime Property at 10/40 Rawlinson Street Sold Prior to Auction Due to Unprecedented InterestWe are thrilled to announce the sale of 10/40 Rawlinson Street, a stunning property that has captured the attention of buyers far and wide. Despite our best efforts to hold out until the auction day, the overwhelming level of interest compelled us to sell prior to auction. K&S Property Group has now sold 3 UNITS in this building alone within the last calendar month.
This remarkable property, characterised by its elegant design and prime location, attracted a significant number of potential buyers, leading to a competitive pre-auction environment. The high demand is a testament to the quality and desirability of 10/40 Rawlinson Street.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who expressed interest and participated in the pre-auction process. Your enthusiasm reaffirms the value and appeal of properties in this area.
For more information on upcoming listings or to discuss your property needs, please contact us at 0447 622 689.