Nobby镇,位于Darling Downs地区的心脏地带,以其便利的地理位置和宜人的乡村生活而备受赞誉。距离Toowoomba、Warwick和Brisbane等主要城市都不远,且周围被广袤的农田环绕,这里却拥有所有必要的服务设施。小学配备了地下游泳池,历史悠久的酒吧和便利店也近在咫尺。这里的天空清澈如洗,是您未曾见过的美丽。立即联系Ian,预约看房!
该物业位于两块独立的地块上,总面积达2,724平方米。位于死胡同街道,安静且无穿行交通。物业内设有带围栏的集装箱跳水池,以及带有第二个卫生间的大型仓库。令人印象深刻的6.6kva太阳能系统,使电力账单几乎为零。住宅拥有两卧室,带有前部和后部坡道入口,开放式布局,客厅、餐厅和厨房宽敞明亮。厨房配备了燃气灶台,宽敞的台面和充足的橱柜空间。第一间卧室通过法式门直接通往前面的阳台,第二间卧室空间宽敞,并有一个附加的办公室/步入式衣柜区域。浴室宽敞,包含淋浴间、卫生间、梳妆台和爪足浴缸。地板在生活区域主要是地毯,在高流量区域是乙烯基地板。此物业提供一个令人难以置信的选择,可以出售一块地块而不需要 council 批准,特别是如果您发现管理这样一大块土地的工作量令人疲惫不堪。
机会难得,立即联系Ian 0417 077 293,预约看房!
1 Mcgeever Street, Nobby, QLD 4360 Vacant House BlockNobby township living is considered one of the jewels of the Darling Downs region, consider the location, it is a quick commute to major centres Toowoomba, Warwick and Brisbane, the town is surrounded by vast open cultivation paddocks, yet still has all essential services nearby, a primary school with its own inground swimming pool, a historic pub and a corner store with fuel, this is an area where the clear night skies are like you've rarely seen them before, do yourself a favour, get in touch with Ian, and arrange an inspection today!
Vacant house block $160,000 (AVAILABLE AND FOR SALE)
Vacant block on a separate title of 1,362m?
Partially fenced.
Power and town water nearby
Easy access to bitumen road
**Container pool and rainwater tank are available by negotiation with vendor***
To view, please get in touch with Ian 0417 077 293