免责声明:尽管我们已经尽力确保本营销材料中提供的信息准确无误,但Ray White Oakleigh,Clayton和Ashburton对任何错误,遗漏或不准确信息概不负责。
Well maintained freshly painted and new carpeted 2 bedroom unit comprising:
*2 bedrooms with Built in Robes.
*Separate spacious lounge.
*Gas heating.
*Kitchen/meals area overlooking cosy rear yard.
*Separate bathroom and shower.
*Separate laundry and toilet.
*Single lock up garage.
All this within walking distance to public transport and Links Shopping Centre
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this marketing material, Ray White Oakleigh, Clayton & Ashburton accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.
Interested parties are encouraged to conduct their own enquiries to verify the information's accuracy."