正对Bruce Park Playground的大型地块,地理位置优越,毗邻Frankston Heights Primary School以及Monash University的Frankston校区,步行即可轻松抵达。数分钟车程内,Frankston Shopping Centre和美丽海滩近在咫尺。地块总面积宽敞,总前端宽度约35.1米,深度达46.2米,适合新开发项目(需遵循相关规划条件STCA)。这里曾是一所儿童保育中心,建筑保留了开阔的后院,作为孩子们的游玩空间。
如需预约私人看房,请直接联系Theresa Huynh,联系电话:0450 551 959。
23 Margate Avenue, Frankston, VIC 3199 Large Block 2 TitlesLarge allotment (double block) opposite Bruce Park Playground and a short distance from Frankston Heights Primary school, Monash University (Frankston Campus) and a short drive from Frankston Shopping Centre and Beach.
The two blocks have a combined frontage of approximately 35.1 and a depth of 46.2 making it a versatile block for new developments (STCA)
Formely a child care centre the building is positioned to allow a large rear yard as a playground. In recent years this building has been cleverly converted to an seven-bedroom dwelling, each with their own bathroom facilities, air-conditioning, kitchenette and rooming house approval to provide individual leases for students and others within the community.
Individual room rents vary from $170-$190 per week. Approximate Gross Weekly Return of $1205
For a Private inspections, please contact Theresa Huynh on 0450 551 959