The Langmore 274 房产套餐!The Langmore 设计拥有宽敞的开放式家庭活动与用餐区域,旨在增进家庭团聚的同时,也设有楼上的私密空间和楼下的休息区域,满足私人空间需求。多样的附加选项让 The Langmore 能够迎合各种家庭的需求。
lot 103 Seaberry Prominade, Skye, VIC 3977 Mimosa Homes Proudly PresentsThe Langmore 274 House and Land Package!
The Langmore features a generous open plan family & meals area that focuses on bringing families together whilst allowing much needed alone time with an upstairs retreat and downstairs lounge. With multiple bolt on options, the Langmore has the ability to suit a wide variety of families.
Cleverly designed to be larger than life!