这样的机遇自1937年以来罕见出现,如今,位于Swan Valley的这片宝贵土地终于开放购买。未来是否还会有此类机遇,无人能够预知。您有机会锁定这种难得一遇的生活方式,成为Swan Valley社区的一员,仅需几步之遥即可到达葡萄酒庄,Swan River近在咫尺,周边还有Lilac Park等体育设施,距离历史悠久的Guildford也只有几分钟车程,更多精彩生活等您探索。
``` 请注意,以上文本保留了原文的分段结构,并按照要求未添加任何额外内容或价格信息。同时,地址和专有名词均保留了英文表述。 Lot 15 De Burgh Road, Caversham, WA 6055 St Winnols EstateOpportunities like these are rare first time since 1937 this land is now available so who knows when it will happen again if at all.
So you will be able to secure a rare lifestyle not commonly offered you will be part of Swan Valley with wineries just down the road literally, the Swan River, sport facilities such as Lilac Park, minutes from historic Guildford and so much more. Your friends will be jealous and so they should be as this land has been hidden away for nearly 90 years. The owners have worked the soil for decades through the generations but the time has come for a new direction for this precious earth.