免责声明:虽然我们已经尽最大努力确保向您提供的营销材料中的信息准确无误且详尽,但我们不能保证我们供应商提供的信息的准确性,因此,Starr Partners Auburn不对提供的信息准确性作出任何陈述、representation 或保证,也不承担任何法律责任。感兴趣的各方应自行进行与每套物业相关的尽职调查。所有照片、平面图、地图和图像仅供营销目的使用,不代表实际情况。
地址:123 Main Street, Auburn, NSW 2144, 澳大利亚
This apartment features:
* 2 bedrooms both with built-ins, main with ensuite
* Large open plan living and dining
* High ceilings, tiled floors, air conditioning
* Modern kitchen, gas cooking, stone benchtops
* Undercover terrace area with garden outlook
* Modern bathroom and internal laundry
* Security building, single cars pace and storage
* Only 1.1km to Auburn train station and shops
* Close to Auburn Hospital and local schools
* This property is using virtually styled images
NOTE: Our properties are exclusively promoted on legitimate real estate websites, we refrain from advertising on common marketplaces or platforms like Gumtree. Account details concerning property deposits will originate solely from our office.
DISCLAIMER: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the information provided to you in our marketing material, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by our Vendors, and as such, Starr Partners Auburn makes no statement, representation or warranty, and assumes no legal liability in relation to the accuracy of the information provided. Interested parties should conduct their own due diligence in relation to each property they are considering purchasing. All photographs, floorplans, maps and images are representative only, for marketing purposes.