世纪21Armstrong-Smith - Bondi Junction 自豪地向您介绍这处全新的阳光公寓,它安静地位于建筑的后方,为您在Bondi Junction提供了一个私人的避风港。从街道上可以直接乘坐电梯,或者通过安全的地下停车位和储物柜,您可以到达这处全新的东北朝向设计公寓,它拥有一个巨大的阳光露台,配有可折叠/可移动的百叶窗,可爱的Miele电器厨房,以及可爱的浴室和内部洗衣房,距离Bondi Junction的中心地带仅几步之遥。
仅几步之遥即可到达Bondi Junction的中心地带
204/110 Bronte Road, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022 Brand New One Double Bedroom Apartment With Sunny Terrace And ParkingCentury 21 Armstrong-Smith – Bondi Junction are proud to present this brand new sunny apartment quietly positioned at the rear offering a private haven in Bondi Junction. With level lift access from the street or secure undercover parking and storage locker is this brand new north east facing designer apartment with huge sunny terrace with stackable/movable louvers, lovely kitchen with Miele appliances, lovely bathroom and internal laundry footsteps to the heart of Bondi Junction.
Features Include:
* Sunny and private at the rear of the complex
* Brand new with level lift access
* Big living/dining room with access to the sunny balcony
* Big main bedroom with built ins and access to balcony
* Lovely kitchen with Miele appliances inc dishwasher, microwave and integrated fridge/freezer and breakfast bar
* Laundry with ample storage, Miele washing machine and clothes dryer
* Air conditioning and ceiling fans
* Security entry, secure parking and private above-bonnet storage locker and communal storeroom
Footsteps to the heart of Bondi Junction
Do not miss this Wonderful Opportunity!
Available: 20th December, 2024