全球房地产(Global RE)非常荣幸地向市场推出这个卓越的投资机会。位于43 Chamberlain 和 45 Chamberlain的两处物业具有建设高达6层建筑的潜力,建筑高度可达19米。周边现有建筑高度大约为50个单位,在相似的土地尺寸和规格下。这一优越位置适合开发经济适用房,所有开发申请都必须提交给议会批准。
43 Chamberlain 已被批准用于殡仪馆,之前曾作为殡仪馆运营过几年。目前该物业空置,潜在租金约为每年60,000澳元(含GST)。
45 Chamberlain 目前以每周500澳元的租金出租,租金有潜力增加到每周600澳元。
43 AND 45 Chamberlain Street, Campbelltown, NSW 2560 DEVELOPMENT SITE R4 Building Height 19mGlobal RE is thrilled to bring to the market this wonderful money making opportunity. These clear 2 properties has the potential to host up to 6 level building with building heights of 19m. with such highest neighboring existing buildings achieved around 50 unit on similar land dimension and specification. This particular location can be hosting affordable housing. all application has to be subject to council approval.
current resale for brand new 2 bedrooms units in the area approximately 600k while 3 bedrooms are achieving approximately 670k
Each property enjoys 920m2 land and 20 meter frontage.
43 Chamberlain is approved for funeral homes. it used to be operating as such for few years. currently it is vacant with potential rent around 60k/annum plus GST
45 Chamberlain is being tenanted for 500/week with potential to increase the rent to 600/week
the properties located only 1.8KM to the station and 1.7KM to the shopping Mall
this opportunity is waiting for a lucky developer to snatch it