位于Otford的Sec 3 DP 4591- Station Rd,有两块相邻的E3地块可供出售。每块地块面积2000平方米,总面积达4000平方米,这是一个难得的机会。在这个理想的位置拥有一整块美丽的土地。
- 距离Otford到Bundeena的The Coast Track仅50米,这是澳大利亚最好的丛林步行道之一,正在作为大南海岸步行道的首段进行开发。
- 距离Otford观景台、皇家国家公园和The Grand Pacific Drive仅200米。
- 步行即可到达Otford火车站、城镇和小学。
- 几分钟车程可达Bald Hill。
- 靠近Stanwell Park海滩和Helensburgh。
- 距离悉尼CBD60分钟车程,但F6延长线-M6高速公路SSI已经开始建设,计划将南海岸与悉尼连接起来,将车程时间缩短至40分钟。
- 美丽的灌木丛,高大的桉树树冠和清晰的开阔地带,点缀着一些天堂树和一些椰子树。
- 位于山脊上,中间地带相对平坦,两侧缓坡。
- 可通过Station Road或Fanshawe Avenue(未铺设)进入。
- 被划分为E3环境管理区- 目前不易建造,但将来可能会有所改变,特别是如果提出正确的提案给议会(SCA)。
- 每年的地方政府税很低。
- 现在:享受土地进行露营或其他丛林活动。
- 大南海岸步行道:新南威尔士州财政部长宣布斥资8000万澳元用于基础设施建设,以创造像豪华露营这样的住宿机会。
- 议会批准:主动与WCC合作,以便能够进行某种形式的发展,例如获得允许使用批准,重新规划等。
- 土地储备:这些地块近年来一直在增值。
- 等待未来变化:有许多类似的地块最初设想未来开发。有人说这只是时间问题,但谁也说不准。
- 我原计划将这片土地用于生态旅游/户外教育,但后来我搬到了QLD,我的职业和生活方向发生了变化。
- 由于土地空置,我没有通过中介出售,所有信息都在网上,您可以通过咨询了解更多信息,包括如何自行查看。
- 请自行尽职调查。
- 合同已准备就绪,待签署并支付定金。
- 请通过电子邮件咨询,以便我发送更多信息。之后,如果您有任何问题,最好打电话咨询。
Lot 3 & 4 Station Road, Otford, NSW 2508 Vacant Land in ideal location- next to the Great South Coast WalkPhone Enquiry ID: 229308
Two large adjacent E3 lots available. Lot 3 & Lot 4 Sec 3 DP 4591- Station Rd, Otford. 2000m2 per lot, 4000m2 in total, this is a rare opportunity. A whole Acre of of incredible land in an ideal location.
These are the largest, nicest and best located Lots you?ll ever find. Beautiful bushland next to temperate rainforest and Coastal Views, on the doorstep of the Royal National Park.
With the announcement for development of the Great South Coast Walk, this is a unique opportunity to be able to secure funding/approval to create an idyllic nature retreat (SCA).
- 50m from The Coast Track, one of Australia's best bush walks from Otford to Bundeena- which is being developed further as the first section of the Great South Coast Walk, which will become NSW?s premier multi-day walk
- Just 200m from Otford Lookout, the Royal National Park and The Grand Pacific Drive
- Short walk to Otford train station, town and Primary School
- Minutes drive to Bald Hill
- Close to Stanwell Park Beach and Helensburgh
- 60 mins to Sydney CBD, but the F6 Extension-M6 Motorway SSI has began, the plan being to link the South Coast with Sydney and reduce this time to 40 mins
- Beautiful bushland with tall Eucalypt canopy and clear, open undergrowth with Lomandra and some Cabbage Tree Palms
- On ridgeline with relatively flat, open areas in the middle and gentle sloping sides
- Accessible via Station Road or Fanshawe Avenue (unsealed)
- Zoned E3 Environmental Management- currently unable to be built on easily, but that could change in the future- especially if the right proposal is made to council (SCA)
- Very low yearly council rates
- Now: enjoy the land for camping or other bush based activities
- Great South Coast Walk- The NSW Treasurer announced $80million in funding to go toward infrastructure to create accommodation opportunities like glamping
- Council Approval: be proactive with WCC in order to be able to do some form of development, e.g. get approval for a permitted use, re-zone etc
- Land bank: these lots have been consistently increasing in value over the years
- Wait for future changes: there are many similar lots that were originally created with the idea of future development. Some say it's just a matter of time for this to happen, but it?s anyone?s guess.
- I was planning to use the land for eco-tourism/outdoor education, however I moved to QLD and my career/life has gone in a different direction.
- I?m not going through an agent as it?s vacant land, all the information is online and after you make an enquiry I?ll send you a lot more info, including how to inspect it on your own.
- Please do your own due diligence
- Contract is ready with conveyancer so it will go to first to sign and put down a deposit
- Please make an enquiry with your email so I can send through more information. After that, it?d be best to call if you have any questions.