中心区域房产现正出售,售价为1,000,000.00澳币。您可在该地块建造高层酒店等多元化建筑。目前房产已出租,每周租金为593澳币,租约至2024年06月02日结束。地税每季度为893澳币,已包含水费。如有兴趣,请联系Lin(电话:0402 555 295),发送短信预约看房。
1% commission on sale.
Centre Zone House for Sale: $1,000,000.00. You can build a high-rise hotel here, and much more. Currently, it's tenanted at $593 a week, with the lease set to expire on 02/06/2024. The council rate is $893 per quarter, including water charges. Please send a text message to Lin at 0402 555 295 to schedule an inspection