全新开发地块刚刚推出,面积范围涵盖300平方米至882平方米,正对面即是未来规划的步行道和游乐场。今日起,您可注册对新地块的关注!如果您渴望拥有宽敞的乡村感觉,同时希望便利设施近在咫尺,此项目定是您的理想之选。立即拨打0413 617 417或短信联系Amy Scudder,或点击“邮件代理”进行在线注册。
Brand New Land ReleaseA brand-new stage has just been bought to the market, Lots sizes vary from 300m2 to 882m2 opposite bushland with future walking trails and playground.
Register your interest today for the new land release!!
If you are wanting that spacious country feel but close to everything, this is the stage for you!
Enquire today to register your interest
Call or text Amy Scudder on 0413 617 417 or click "Email Agent" to register!!!