Greenbank Heights(位于Greenbank)是居住的好地方,靠近所有主要道路,如Logan Motorway、Beaudesert Rd、Gateway arterial。距离市中心大约20-30公里,距离黄金海岸大约50公里。对于追求便捷生活的家庭而言,这里无疑是理想的居住选择。短途驾车即可到达Browns Plains的Grand Plaza或庞大的Springfield Orion购物中心、当地商店、餐厅、学校、休闲公园以及更多设施。
Greenbank Heights,Greenbank适合每个人。该地块对于新家庭住宅和投资者来说都是理想的,对于退休人士来说,也是缩小居住规模并生活在优美环境中的完美选择。如果您是首房买家,可以申请昆士兰州为首次购房业主提供的该地块补助金。现在是您通过签署意向书(EOI)并支付$1,000的初始定金来锁定心仪地块的时候了。
免责声明:包括价格在内的相关细节可能会在未经事先通知的情况下进行更改。我们已经尽一切合理努力确保本广告中的信息准确无误。Loyal Keeper集团、U1st Realty或土地所有者不对本广告中出现的任何错误或遗漏承担任何责任。尽管在编译有关待售房产的信息时已采取一切谨慎,但我们对于此处可能包含的任何错误或不准确信息不承担责任,并予以否认。各相关方应依赖自己的调查来验证所提供的信息。
122-132 Andrew Road, Greenbank, QLD 4124 Greenbank Heights - Last Lot 600 m2 LandLast Lot left with size of 600m2
- Turn Key House and Land Packages Available -
Please contact agents to discuss your needs today for more available options.
Tony Wang - 0430 220 393, [email protected]
Allan Pearson - 0418 661125 [email protected]
Greenbank is one of the fastest growing Logan city council suburbs for residential development and where you can still afford to buy a Quality Land and Home package.
?Greenbank Heights? Greenbank is a Great Place To Live, so close to all the major roads...Logan Motorway, Beaudesert Rd, Gateway arterial, and only approx 20-30 k's from the city and about 50k's to the Gold Coast. Perfect position for any family to live in. When you live here, you are within a short drive to Browns Plains' Grand Plaza or the massive Springfield Orion Shopping Centre, Local Shops, Restaurants, Schools, Recreation Parks, and so much more.
?Greenbank Heights? Greenbank has something for everyone. The Estate is ideal for your new family home and investors alike, and also perfect for retirees to downsize and live in a lovely environment. If you are a first Home Buyer, take advantage of the Queensland First Home Owners Grant in this Estate.
Now is the time to secure your favourite block with a Signed EOI and a $1,000 initial deposit.
For More Information: Contact
Tony Wang - 0430 220 393, [email protected]
Allan Pearson - 0418 661125
Details, including pricing, are subject to change without notice. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the information in this advertising is accurate.
Loyal Keeper Group & U1st Realty or the land owner accepts no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions occurring in or from this advertising..
While all care has been taken in compiling information regarding properties marketed for sale, we accept no responsibility and disclaim all liabilities in regards to any errors or inaccuracies contained herein. All parties should rely on their own investigation to validate information provided.
*All Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only