凯伦·费班克斯为您呈现位于雷德班克平原热门地区的绝佳开发土地机遇。这块“难得一见”的约 20 0000 平方米地块正在出售,位于黄金地段,非常适合开发(需经市政批准STCA)。雷德班克平原的基础设施发展迅猛,此类物业正迅速被抢购一空,该区域正以前所未有的速度发展,新的住宅社区如雨后春笋般涌现。周边拥有优秀的购物区、学校(私立与公立)、公园、运动场地,且靠近斯普林菲尔德,便捷快速通往Cunningham高速公路。
请今天就联系我们,凯伦·费班克斯 0410 525 632,了解详情!
免责声明:ASSETT PTY LTD 所属的 ASSETT REALTY 及其代理人未独立核实本广告中提及的信息、文件和物业描述。我们对本广告中提及的信息、文件和物业描述的准确性和真实性不承担任何责任,亦不提供任何保证或担保。潜在买家和租户在做出购买或租赁物业的决定前,必须进行自己的尽职调查和调查。图片、平面图和视频可能经过数字化处理,或未能准确展示物业的实际状况和尺寸。我们强烈建议潜在买家及租户亲自检查物业,并在签署任何协议和合同前获取适当的法律和财务建议。
20 + HA DEVELOPMENT LAND REDBANK PLAINS - SOLD BY KARYN FAIRBANKS ....Karyn Fairbanks from Assett Realty presents to you this wonderful opportunity for developing land in the sought-after area of Redbank Plains
This 'rare to find' 20 hectare site is up for sale and is situated in a prime location of Redbank Plains
It is perfect for development (subject to Council Approval STCA )
Redbank Plains is booming with infrastructure development and properties like this are being snapped up quickly - the area is going ahead in leaps and bounds with new residential communities springing up everywhere, there are great shopping precincts, schools (private & public) Parklands, Sportsgrounds and close to Springfield and with quick and easy access to the Cunningham Highway.
Don't hesitate to call Karyn Fairbanks on 0410 525 632 TODAY!!!
ASSETT PTY LTD T/A ASSETT REALTY and its agents have not independently checked any of the information, documents, and property description, mentioned in this advertisement, we have simply explained the property information in our advertising and marketing. We do not take and responsibility in any way and give no warranty or assurances as to the accuracy and authenticity of all this information. Prospective Buyers and tenants must conduct their own Due Diligence and investigations before taking any decision on buying or renting this property. The pictures, floor plans and videos may have been digitally enhanced or may not show the correct condition and dimensions of the property. We strongly suggest potential buyers and tenants to inspect the property and take proper legal and financial advice before signing any agreements and contracts