8-10 Rossi Avenue 位于 Russell Island 北西岸,是一块面积为 1,093 平方米的宽敞地块。这里地理位置优越,既方便又宁静,距离渡轮码头和购物中心不到 2.5 公里,而受欢迎的保龄球俱乐部更是仅在 200 米之遥,是享受轻松岛屿生活的理想之地。
该地块大部分已经清理干净,仅剩下几棵较大的树,提供了一个平坦且水平的建筑用地,宽大的 36.2 米前幅拥有充足的空间让您设计理想家园或投资物业。
电力、水和 NBN 线路已经铺设到位,只需简单连接即可使用,铺装的道路也有助于在物业上建造和生活的便利。
从 Russell Island 乘渡轮仅需二十分钟即可到达大陆(Redland Bay),布里斯班市位于北边四十分钟车程,美丽的黄金海岸则位于南边四十分钟车程。您只需驾车前往 Redland Bay 码头,乘坐渡轮,再步行 100 米即可到达 LJ Hooker 群岛湾分行,开启您期待已久的全新生活篇章!
如有兴趣了解更多信息,请联系 Scott,电话号码:0450 522 399。
8-10 Rossi Ave, Russell Island, QLD 4184 1,093m2 OF ENDLESS BUILDING POTENTIAL IN A GREAT LOCATION!8-10 Rossi Avenue is a spacious 1,093m² block located on the north-western side of Russell Island. This prime parcel of land offers both convenience and tranquility, situated less than 2.5kms from the ferry terminal and shopping center whilst being just 200 meters from the popular bowls club, making it perfect for relaxed island living.
The block is mostly cleared, with just a few larger trees remaining, offering a flat and level surface that provides endless building opportunities. With a generous frontage of 36.2 meters, there is plenty of space to design your ideal home or investment property.
Power, water, and NBN are running past ready for connection, and the sealed road adds further ease to building and living on the property.
Russell Island is only a twenty-minute ferry ride from the mainland (Redland Bay) with Brisbane city forty minutes north and the beautiful Gold Coast forty minutes south. Drive to Redland Bay Marina, jump on the ferry, walk 100m to LJ Hooker Bay Islands and discover what awaits you for the next exciting chapter of your life!
Please call Scott on 0450 522 399 to enquire today.