在Elevate Estate Agents,我们要求所有潜在租户在安排参观前预先提交他们的申请。这确保了流程的顺畅,并帮助我们及时评估您对物业的适合度。如果您更愿意在没有实地参观的情况下进行,我们可以提供一份“未见物业协议”。要了解更多信息或请求这份协议的副本,只需向我们发送一个咨询,我们的团队将很乐意为您提供帮助。
位于Woolloongabba的Abingdon Street 4号,您可以体验到风格与便利的完美融合,这是布里斯班最充满活力的郊区之一备受追捧的租赁物业。这处现代而时尚的住宅旨在提供高质量的生活体验,拥有宽敞、采光良好的房间、现代化的厨房和舒适的居住区。无论是家庭、专业人士还是学生,这个家都既优雅又实用。
该物业位于Woolloongabba的心脏地带,位于Translink Zone 2,确保居民能够接触到各种公共交通选项。这个黄金位置使前往布里斯班CBD和周边地区变得简单高效,对于通勤者和城市探险者来说都是一个梦想。Zone 2的位置还提供了成本效益高的旅行解决方案,增加了居住在该地区的整体便利性。
周边不远处就是购物和娱乐设施。居民可以享受到靠近The Gabba的便利,那里有大量的购物、餐饮和娱乐选择。无论您是需要快速购买杂货、一天购物还是愉快的餐饮体验,一切都在轻松可达的范围内,提升了居住在Abingdon Street 4号的居民的生活质量。
免责声明:Elevate Estate Agents Pty Ltd已采取所有合理步骤确保本广告中包含的信息真实准确,但不对任何错误、遗漏、不准确或误述承担责任,也不对广告中的信息进行任何形式的保证。潜在租户应自行进行调查以验证本广告中包含的信息。
4 Abingdon Street, Woolloongabba, QLD 4102 Rooming Share AccommodationLocated at 4 Abingdon Street, Woolloongabba, QLD 4102, this property offers a one-bedroom, one-bathroom residence on a 399m? lot. The rental price starts from $310 per week. ?
Each room is furnished, with the weekly rental price inclusive of electricity and water, and free internet provided. All properties are mixed-gender households (as we do not discriminate based on gender), and due to privacy laws, we are unable to disclose details of the current occupants. Each furnished room is private and lockable as well.?
Room 1 (Standard Room) - Available Now at $330 Per Week
Room 2 (Standard Room) - Available Now at $310 Per Week
Room 3 (Standard Room) - Leased
Room 4 (Standard Room) - Available Now at $330 Per Week
The property boasts excellent public transport connectivity. Woolloongabba is well-serviced by multiple bus routes, providing frequent services to the Brisbane CBD and surrounding suburbs. For university students, buses from nearby stops offer direct access to the University of Queensland's St Lucia campus, QUT Gardens Point, and Griffith University's Nathan campus. On-street parking is available; however, residents should check local council regulations regarding parking permits.?
As much as we love pets here at Elevate, unfortunately, due to the nature of rooming accommodation and fellow occupants who may have allergies, we aren't able to accept pets within our rooming/share accommodation properties.?
If you would like to arrange an in-person inspection, please send us an enquiry or locate the "Book Now" button to register from our list of available dates and times. If you aren't able to inspect, you can have a friend or family member attend on your behalf. Alternatively, you can take a video or virtual tour and submit your application along with a completed Sight Unseen Agreement available on our website.
Elevate Estate Agents Pty Ltd has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this advertisement. However, we accept no responsibility and disclaim all liability for any errors, omissions, inaccuracies, or misstatements. Prospective tenants are encouraged to conduct their own enquiries to verify the details provided. Images may be indicative only, and we recommend arranging an inspection to view the property in person.