位于Moshulu Street后方的“Grace Harwar Drive”地块,目前待售中。共有18块地块供选择,这些地块将配备主供水、电力、沥青路面、路缘和街道照明。所有地块面积超过1000平方米,地处优质住宅区,临近水域,步行即可到达主街的热门位置,地契待颁发。
镇上设施齐全,包括医院、医生诊所、IGA超市、邮局、五金店、酒店、面包店、肉店、船用商店、熟食店、直升机场以及药店等。满足您的生活所需,提供各类体育设施及团体活动(如高尔夫、保龄球、篮球、足球、板球等),且仅需短途车程即可抵达Clare valley葡萄酒产区、Port Pirie、Kadina、Wallaroo、Moonta和North Beach。
Port Broughton荣获2023年小型旅游城镇称号,未来几年将有多项开发项目。敬请致电Bonnie 08 8635 2566,预约私人看地。
*注:RLA 319079,所引用土地面积仅为估算值。Broughton Realty Pty Ltd不保证这些测量的准确性。所有开发咨询和场地要求请直接向Barunga West Council提出。
LOT 19 Grace Harwar Drive, Port Broughton, SA 5522 New development - build by the seaDirectly behind Moshulu Street "Grace Harwar Drive" has been released for sale with 18 allotments now available. The allotments will be serviced with mains water, power, bitumen road, curbing and street lighting. All the allotments exceed 1000m2. Situated in a sought after location among quality homes and close to the water and walking distance to the main street. Subject to issue of title.
Services to the township include a Hospital, Doctors surgery, IGA, post office, hardware store, Hotel, Bakery, butcher, marine store, deli, a helipad, and chemist just to name a few. We have all the essential lifestyle needs, sport facilities and groups (including golf, bowls, netball, football, cricket, to name a few) and only a short drive to the Clare valley wine region, Port Pirie, Kadina, Wallaroo, Moonta and North Beach.
Port Broughton recently won the tiny tourism town for 2023, and we have quite a bit of development happening over the next few years!
Call Bonnie today on 08 8635 2566 to book a private inspection. RLA 319079
*If a land size is quoted it is an approximation only. You must make your own enquiries as to this figure's accuracy. Broughton Realty Pty Ltd does not guarantee the accuracy of these measurements. All development enquiries and site requirements should be directed to the local govt. authority, The Barunga West Council.
*Purchasers should conduct their own due diligence and any information provided here is a guide and should not be relied upon.